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Do you know where you are looking?


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There has been a lot of talk over the years about where to look and when. The other “vision” concept is to simply be aware of where you are looking. Not changing where you look but just making a point of "seeing" to where you are looking.


What is the point? When you force yourself to notice where you are looking you will automatically level your eyes and raise your head. This will cascade to the rest of your upper body and moderate your upper body movement.


Try it.


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  • Baller

I just know that you shouldn’t look down at the wake or at the buoy. Bad things usually happen if you do. Eyes level or not.


Whether you look into the boat initially, like I do a lot, or all the way across the wake to find the next buoy, the result is your eyes want to go level (not at head tilt commensurate with body lean) and eyes level to water is what I think is what you want and works best.


Truth be told if I look at the buoy I tend to ski to the buoy so I always have to tell myself to look in front of the buoy.

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  • Elite Skier
I feel like vision is one of the most key elements in skiing technique, but it's often not mentioned. It's one of the quickest and easiest ways to get the body to move in a better position without having to focus on all of the technical movements. Changing your vision will change your body position, and it's just a matter of finding the best places to look.
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