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She is finally home...


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  • Baller

Last night we were able to drop our new to us PS. Been waiting since last fall to get her as we bought end of season and she went into storage. Could not be more stoked about it. I'm hoping to prove lots of people wrong that old dogs can learn new tricks as I'm very late to the game in picking up water skiing. Doing some lessons this summer (if they can happen) and looking forward to putting smiles on all the people we can get behind her. Next week we should get the boat lift installed so can lose the wake watchers and ropes.


I wanted to say thanks to all of this forum, I have been around since we bought her last fall and it has been a great place to learn stuff and hang out.


You can click on the images to get high rez:





Her new home:








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  • Baller

Thanks guys.


@LOTW yes ON


@MuskokaKy These wake watchers have been great and I have it setup so that is only one attachment point for all 3 lines on each cleat (watchers, lateral and away from dock). We will be getting the lift installed next week we hope so will not need them anymore. We plan on skiing as much as we can so if are every over in Hali you have a tow.


@Luv2Ski Thanks I think that people are soon going to get sick of pictures of this boat :-)


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  • Baller

@dbaconaz The water is COLD but the weather is getting better, going to try and get out tomorrow. I used to do a lot of white water kayaking so will put on ALL my cold weather gear and give it a shot.


@Windsurfnut Yes but hoping for better day tomorrow.

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  • Baller

@MDB1056 Boat lift should be installed next week. With Covid lots of places up here were forced to shut down boat lift place included. So for a week and a bit she will be in the water.


@Cnewbert I just try to be positive about it, I mean since 2 months ago the lake is WAY warmer than the HUGE ice cube it was...:-)

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