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HO Omni vs. Carbon Omni


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Looking for some advice on a new ski purchase. I have decided on the HO Omi 69. I am 52 years old, 6'2", 205. I free ski at 32mph behind a 205V but I would like to take a shot at the course in the future. Recently had double knee replacement but skiing feels better now than ever. Would you recommend the standard Omni or the Carbon Omni per my description? Thank you
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  • Baller
@xstar22 I also have had double knee replacement and like you skiing now is painless! I have a few years on you as I am 61 but my knees have never felt better. I bought a Carbon Omni last year and really like this ski! One of my ski partners hasn’t had a new ski in 10 years and has been trying out a few different HO skis. His favorite is the Carbon Omni and he is planning on buying it. @Rednucleus skis with Dave Wingerter at Hilltop. This is the guy who designed the Carbon Omni and from what he has told @Rednucleus this sounds like the perfect ski for you. If you aren’t sure demo a few HO skis and find the one that works for you. Just my 2 cents worth
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  • Baller
@xstar22 have never skied on the Omni just the Carbon Omni. No problem with my knees at all. This is an amazing ski that has really upped my game. I wouldn’t be afraid to go with it. If you aren’t sure demo one for awhile and be the judge for yourself. Good luck with your new ski ?
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