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O’Brien Siege versus World Team


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Hey all! I’m buying my first slalom ski and looking for insight. I’ve narrowed it down to O’brien Siege and the O’Brien World Team. I ski on an open water bay, so it gets wavy (unfortunately no calm lakes where I’m from) so I do need a bit of stability. Still, I made my own slalom course so I want something that will be able to make cuts. I am confident on one ski, but the only time I have done a real slalom course on a lake I hit 2 gates, so I’m new to the slalom course world. I want a ski that will let me stay up in a wavy bay, be easy enough to get up on from an open water start, but will still let me mess around with making cuts for my course setup. I’m 6’4” 190 lbs so will obviously go with the largest size of any ski I get. Thanks!
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  • Baller
You'd be doing yourself a disfavor if you don't get yourself an HO Omni. Wider forebody and clean-edge tail makes it stable, super low drag, fun to ski on. And boy, can you rip turns on it when you want to. I think the regular Omni or possibly the Carbon Omni would be perfect for you.
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  • Baller

Not saying I disagree with Garn - because I also wouldn't buy a World Team or a Siege. But your post is a trip down memory lane.


When I was growing up literally ALL the skis I saw were O'Briens - Dad had a world team and then as people got into skiing and got newer and newer stuff they were going up the numbers on the Siege line with the niftier things like forebody tuners piezo crystals and such. There was a time that I thought O'Brien was about the only thing out there.


But ya I wouldn't buy one of these 2 skis so I'd be curious how you narrowed it down to those two specific skis - if the answer is that a ski with bindings is less than 400 shipped I understand that math.


Between the two the Siege would be my pick, the ski has an edge to edge tunnel instead of wide flat rails down the side and a narrow tunnel like the world team which was the last ski that I've owned that had a tunnel and wide rails.


But if I were to pick up a ski tomorrow to do what you're talking about it would be a Senate, an Omni, or a Carbon V


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I appreciate the feedback. @bracemaker the reasoning was just that, it’s a gift from my dad and all he’s ever known is Obrien. This has opened my eyes. Im now looking into the Omni. I think the carbon is out of my price range, but the regular version looks nice! This was super super helpful, and I appreciate any further input! I’m finding plenty of Omni 2019 in the 71”, but at 190 I think that’s too large right? I should ideally be on a 69” Omni?
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  • Baller
At 190 you are right at the top end of a 67". That you are 6'4" (same as me) actually matters too so I'd go with the 69". Also take a look at the Radar Senate and Connelly V as options, both are great skies from good companies. If in your position, I wouldn't hesitate to buy any one of these.
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  • Baller

Hey, I used to ski on a 2005 Obrien World team Slalom. I free ski a ton,but I am trying to learn the course whenever I can get access to one. 1 year ago I bought an H.O. Omni with the fixed fin on the back. It is completely different ski--a lot better. The World team is very very stable which is fine if you want to go straight, but not very good if you want to turn. Before I bought the Omni, I put the fin all the way forward, and moved the bindings way back from stock, and it was better...... but the Omni is way better The Omni turns very easy. I haven't had many chances to run the Omni through the course yet, but the few I have it is so much better. It is also so much less tiring free skiing too.


So I would buy the Omni, or one of it's comparable competitors like the Radar Union Jack. I would make sure that people have run whatever ski you buy through the course recently, and that would rule out the Obrien World Team.


Good Luck.






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I've got a World Team in the rafters of my garage. It was replaced by a Connolly V (not carbon) and it was a great upgrade. I'm now on a Carbon Omni, which I like a little better than the Connolly. I would love to try out a Carbon V sometime.


Bang for the buck, a Connolly V would be a great option in my opinion. I'd skip the World Team.

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