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2021 MasterCraft ProStar - BallOfSpray First Look


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@swc5150 @jordanh next week the video will cover the under water mechanical bits and the following week will be my first ride behind the boat /w my driver's comments.
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  • Baller
OK, as the resident boat mechanic, that is amazing that the access to the underside of dash with the seats flipping up! My Nautique tat is fading, need to drive this new boat and if really does track like a Nautique.....
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  • Baller
I attended the reveal at Action Watersports and skied and drove the new boat. I thought the wakes were unchanged (Men 7, 28, 32 and 35). I was lucky enough to drive for Freddie Winter, 32 through 39 and it's another step up in tracking. I'd have to drive it more and probably back to back with the new Nautique, but my impression was that it was on the same level as Becky Lathrop's Nautique which is outstanding.
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  • Baller

I skied one at Action's preview as well. The wakes seem pretty much the same. However the boat is much quieter and drives really nice. I didn't get to pull a Skier so cannot comment on the tracking but have to believe it's going to be a noticeable improvement. ++ 2 cup holders for the driver! Ha

Nice job MC and Pro Team

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  • Baller

So I got an opportunity to spend a day on a 2018 a couple weeks ago. Obviously a fabulous boat. But I did have one way it would seem that it could have been made better.


I currently own a 97 bubble butt, and one of the most beautiful things about it is how the rope so easily just flows off the side and the back corner of the boat after stopping and then getting back to going straight. I'm not sure any boat has ever done as well at this task as the bubble butt, so I don't want to hold the prostar to that standard.


However, when I was out on the prostar, the #1 place for the rope to get caught was always right at that little indent where the gas can is.


So it's bad enough for the rope to not slide right off the back. But it seems a lot worse for it to possibly get caught up on something really really important and seemingly somewhat delicate as a gas cap.


Again, I've only spent one day on it. I'm curious to hear from folks on this topic who have spent a lot more time.


I wonder why the gas cap couldn't at least just go on the other side.

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@E_T I don't now what changes were made to the sensor inside the gas tank. On the new boat there is no traditional gas gauge - it is all in the touch screen. I use the fuel management system option and so the gauge on the touchscreen will always be accurate to the tenth of a gallon as long as I log the fuel when I put it in.
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  • Baller

Will told me that they addressed the fuel gauge set up in the 21 and will be no issue going forward. Another less discussed upgrade is the redesign of the ballast system which is a big improvement.


We bought one of the last 2020 ProStars and love it. These two small issues above, as well as the engine box fan which we unplugged, were our only complaints. Again, super happy with the 2020. This said, I can’t wait to check out the 21!

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  • Baller_

I took the time to crawl under one at our state tournament this past weekend.

Interesting .

The rudder is very familiar, even with out its tab!!

As chief driver I actually asked if it could be used.. we do have rules that allow new products before tow boat evaluations.

I was asked by many skiers if it could be used. Unfortunately the answer was no...?


From what I see some one put some thought in the boat as to its purpose.

Not a scaled down coal barge for sure.


Looking forward to the experience both skiing it and behind the wheel.


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  • Baller

@escmanaze - IE: rope hanging at gas cap. Today, my ski partner who has a Prostar and me (also with a Prostar) tried to get the rope to hang at the gas cap indent without success. We went so far as to make sure the rope dropped into the indent, but it still just slid right out without the slightest hang. Not sure why you were having an issue there since all the Prostar boats from 14 to 20 are the same in the gas cap area. Maybe something was wrong with that particular boat?


The only time I ever see the rope hang with this boat is if the boat gets angled such that the rope gets caught under the edge of the platform...

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@Roger I have something like a hundred and forty hours in a ProStar this year so far and I've never seen the Rope hang on the filler indent
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  • Baller

@Roger Thanks for the reply. It didn't actually happen that it ever hung up in there, it just kept "dropping into the indent" as you mention and every time it did my brain would go on red alert and get all scared. But you're right, it did just pop out every time as well.


It sounds like, combined, you guys have thousands of iterations and no problems, so that explains to my why they didn't "fix" it for the 2021 model...cause it wasn't broken!!


Thanks guys, that actually puts my mind at ease.

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The 2021 ProStar looks amazing, they fixed everything that needed fixed and did not jack up the price! Malibu is in trouble with their Response, I truly don't know why anyone would buy a 2021 Malibu Response over this boat. The new Ski Nautique is very nice but too expensive. At this point the only thing I like better about the Ski Nautique is the center located fuel tank which is the best and most logical place for it. Hopefully Malibu is watching/listening and taking notes, we need them to keep making a 3 event ski boat.
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  • Baller

@Martin1980 I had the same thought the other day. I'm suddenly legitimately concerned that this could be the boat that finally makes Malibu throw in the towel and say screw it. I hope not of course.


"Be careful what you wish for" right?

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  • Baller

I've heard resale is also really tough on a TXi, so that won't help the cause either. The buzz around the Prostar has to have the others nervous and/or scrambling. Hopefully scrambling, since competition brings out the best.


Excited for more videos:)

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  • Baller

Back to the fuel TANK placement that I misunderstood..... It seems like a good idea that the fuel tank would be more toward the middle (front to back) but with the wakes the prostar gets with it in the back, I guess it doesn't really matter. I don't even notice much difference in ours with a full or nearly empty tank. Would it help tracking? Dunno,....although doesn't seem like the '21 needs much more help with tracking either.


I have heard that the rope can get caught on the filler cap tho....

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  • Baller
The gas cap thing was a joke from another thread, but yes....we get caught up on the seats often when letting the rope feed out from the floor on that 1st pass. Working on the best solution to close off that gap, the new seats fix that minor irritant.
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