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Binding placement is important?


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  • Baller
It did blow my mind the first time I learned that the tip of the tape measure is supposed to actually be loose. It moves to compensate for an inside measurement vs. an abutted measurement, approximately the thickness of the metal itself.
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  • Baller

When I was in grade school, they said we were on a 20 year program to go metric. That was the 1960s. Do it already! Everyone already has SAE and Metric tools. And, yes, tens are much easier than "littles" and "little littles".


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  • Baller
I do remember that @ski6jones. I came to the US as a grad student in the mid 80s and I had no idea that the metric system was not used over here. I remember watching the first Olympic games full of excitement for the long jump, high jump and then getting all frustrated when I saw the official boards displaying measures in meters and centimeters, but the announcers and the overlays were converting everything in feet and inches. What the heck are those???, I was thinking... oh, well. A few years later, I kind of know how to convert back and forth, but the fractions, the littles and little littles are still mind boggling!
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