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Apocalyptic Home Gym Ideas


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  • Baller
The college team in our town had a learn to row program in the summer and a masters team. Did it for two summers. They start you on a sweep 8-man and work your way to a single. Did one masters 8-man race on Lake Union going through the Montlake cut in Seattle, It was pretty cool.
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  • Baller_

All good stuff on this thread.


However, ...... ya'll have to keep in mind that regardless of what is posted @Horton is going to sit in front of his computer and bitch about whatever comes to mind with a scotch/beer/whateveralcholicbeverageisavailable in his hand and not get off his butt and actually use any of the aforementioned equipment.


Wagers are starting now....

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

When last ski season ended I started powerlifting again after a 40 years without lifting. I bought a couple simple squat stands for $50 on craigslist to use with my 50 year old weights.


I had set a couple state collegiate records back in 1980, and set the goal of achieving the same total (although a couple weight classes higher) at the IPA Nationals this year. That's right IPA - the perfect powerlifting organization for me :wink:


Powerlifting without spotters isn't a good idea. I'd love to have a cage like @jjackkrash but I just don't have the space. I started looking for a spotting solution that wouldn't take up much space and happened upon the Shermworks Free-Spotter . The website is very basic and the product doesn't have marketing polish, but I think it's a great concept and works as described. If you're benching or squatting alone, I think it's a product worthy of consideration.

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  • Baller

I like this more than the C2...I also really hate working out, so I tried to get the piece of equipment I could do the most work in the least amount of time.




Side note: Youtube needs more waterski videos you can watch while rowing.


I am still fat...but you know...Treehouse beer spares no ones.

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