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Did the times change?


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  • Baller
My son and I had this argument while watching the tournament the other day...he says...see how much more sense that makes? You go from 20 meters to 15 meters (or whateverthehellitis) and I was like NO...41 Off sounds so much better! Bigger numbers are more impressive!
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  • Baller

After watching the Swiss on and off all day, it finally started to sink in, but as a rule, when I am just watching TWBC sporadically as time allows, I have to bring up this cheat sheet I saved on my phone, tho admittedly TWBC has gotten very good at showing a graphic of both lengths. It amused me once when a commentator commented that it seems a little strange that US identifies rope length by how much is coiled up on the floor of the boat. Good point.



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  • Baller
Oh wait, 16 oz to a lb, now I'm out. The problem is I'm old enough that it's nearly impossible for me to re-learn anything I've known for all my life, you can't even tell me blue or green or graple or whatever it is. It's 15, 22, 28, etcetera. Times???? Nope,
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