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Marc Shaw Car Accident


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Details are scarce but it appears that Marc, his mom and dad were in a car accident Thursday night. Marc is currently in the ICU and the prognosis is unknown. His mom has some broken bones. Marc's father did not survive the accident.


If anyone as more accurate information please let me know.

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  • Baller

I received this from a close friend of Marc.


“Marc is intubated and non-responsive. He has C2 fracture and fractures in his sacrum region as well as ankles and legs. Obviously the head trauma is the worst of it and it’s a wait and see thing as they deal with the swelling. All we can do now is hope and pray for the best.”


I spent Thanksgiving with Marc and his family 30 years ago yesterday along with a few other guys from NLU/ULM. Unbelievably tragic, I always enjoyed seeing his father at tournaments throughout the years, RIP.


Praying for Marc and his Mom

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I’ve known Marc for many years. When I was either driving or judging him in tournaments or the Big Dawg I would always tell him that he had the best form of any skier.

Everyone, this is one of those mind numbing examples of how fragile life is. You need to know that you know that if you died right now where would you spend eternity? You may not have a second chance! We all need to be praying for Mrs Shaw. How tragic this is to loose her husband and her son.

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My condolences to the family and all whose life he touched. As one who shared my life with a transplant recipient, I thank Marc and the family for the most generous of gifts. The change and/or ability for others to get a second chance is the most moving thing to be witness to. The gifts of life are so treasured by the recipients it is so amazing to be part of. Thank you again for the most treasured of gifts to whomever gets that second chance at life.

If you need a most moving experience attend either the US Transplant or World Transplant games, the opening and closing ceremonies are emotional as you realize why you are there. The transplant athletes are also amazing to watch, kids that have received multiple organ transplants and get out and give it their all with smiles galore, athletes that overcome a variety of limitations to compete and represent their state and country. The camaraderie is infectious.

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Marc was very generous with his time for our sport, he was welcoming to many into his home because we/they shared a passion, and he was enthusiastic and happy for others when they achieved success. I second @DW 's sentiment about his choice to donate his organs, I was very moved. I am glad to have known Marc. Cheers to those who were by his and his mother's side in the hospital, he deserved that and good on you for that.
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To be honest, I feel like a dick this week. After the dustup with Brenda and Kyle last year and me calling them out and in turn, Marc, he reached out in a message or two here and even on LinkedIn. I just ignored him. Not because I didn't like him. I just disagreed with him. In hindsight, that was short sighted of me as he was just collateral damage in what they were doing. I always enjoyed being around him. This blows.
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  • Baller

A funny / interesting story:

I own a small outdoor lighting distribution company in Orlando, Altamonte Springs actually.

Maybe two years ago or more, Mark (who was at the time, a rep for one of our manufacturer/suppliers) came in and introduced himself.

We talked lighting and products and the usual industry stuff. As we were wrapping up the visit I commented that somehow he seemed familiar to me. For a minute we shook that notion off. As Mark was about to leave I asked him what he was “in to” and “ what do you do for fun”

I have know idea what made me ask that- we usually try and run sales reps out the door as fast as possible.

Of course he said waterskiing and then everything clicked!

We spent the next hour and a half talking skiing and all The who, what & when of waterskiing.

From time Mark would take the time to pop in and catch me up on the water ski community happenings. We talked about getting together for a ski day but I never reached out to set it up.

Even though I didn’t know him all that well his passing has really hit me hard. I regret the missed opportunity but mostly I’m just very sad

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  • Baller
Such sad news. I knew of Marc , but never had the opportunity to meet him. Sounds like I missed out. He and all of his family and friends are in my thoughts. Makes you think about life and how quickly tragedy can change everything. Knowing that his organs are saving other lives must make his soul feel good. He has given the gift of life to people that desperately needed it. There is something very special about that little red dot on your drivers license. Rest In peace my friend.
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Last night was small Celebration of Marc's life with his old softball team. We're called "Bye Week". Missing from the photo was Curt Rabe, and Don West who weren't in town.

We had a bunch of laughs at one of Marc's favorite pre-game, and after game spots...The Winghouse! We also had a sweet foofoo shooter in his honor...he would order the girliest drinks sometimes!

Marc was the only guy we ever had that would get full swing bunts (little dribblers) and still get on 1st base because he was damn fast.... and that speed worked in the outfield too!


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