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ION - NRG R2 How to Decide ?

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Please help me understand, D3 has two top of the range skis in their line up, the ION and the NRG R2, both supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread, is there specific styles of skiing that one particular ski is suited to, clearly they are different and have different attributes, with limited Demo possibilities, how would you go about evaluating either ski, most of the dealers generally stock one brand in the UK, the Dealer that stocks the D3 products, is definitely not my go to place for water ski equipment (We Will Leave It There).

Generally each year I travel to Florida, which gives me the opportunity to Demo a couple of skis, but obviously in the current covid situation, isn,t going to happen anytime soon.

I do know a couple of skiers that ditched the NRG for the EVO and made improvements in their bouy count.

I know skis evolve over time, but when a manufacturer continues with both skis, they must think that one is better than the other for certain people.

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  • Baller
With D3's demo program it is easy to find out what fits for you. They sent me the EVO S and the NRG R1 last year. After skiing on both I found the NRG clearly suits my style. For others I know that it was just the opposite. SO if you are interested try them both.
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  • Baller_

• R2 is a wider ski / ION is narrower body/traditional shaped ski

• R2 Mid and Forebody (R2 approx. a ski size wider compared to ION)

o 66” R2 forebody is almost the same width as a 67” ION

o Wider means the skier can typically ride a shorter size ski

• R2 Tail Narrower (last 15” ski) – allows the tail to hold well and sit deeper




• More Tail Rocker than ION - .200” ( ¼” = .250”)

o NRG – quick turns

o ION – carving turns

• R2 and ION both have large Sweet Spot – 1” more compared to R1 and EVO




• Deeper Concave than ION – more hold and grip




• Similar bevels - from tip to tail – smooth and predictable



this info was provided to me by D3


Performance Ski and Surf 




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  • Baller

It doesn't matter what anyone says, you need to ride them both and see which one suits your own style. DO NOT GO BY WHAT ANYONE SAYS!!!


I got talked into the NRG by the D3 factory guys, so I demoed the NRG. The NRG did not agree with me. By chance, I had the opportunity to ride the Ion Red and Blue. The Ion turned out to be the ski for me....blue to be exact.

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  • Baller
Could not agree more with @skibug. A friend suggested that I would love the ION so I ended up trying the Red and Blue and both skis felt great at longer lines but could not do anything on either on the purple loop. First day back on the NRG-R1 ran 38. I will not cheat on her again...:)
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  • Baller
Always good to demo if it works for you. I feel like it doesn't work for me because I don’t ski often enough and that it takes me a good couple months, 15 to 20 sets to adjust to the new ride. So I went with the factory team’s advise.
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  • Elite Skier

@Jaypro Thanks for the nudge.


I skied on the NRG R1 in 2019 and the Ion in 2020. Both great skis and I feel fairly spoilt to have the option of two such skis from the same ski company. I'm back on the NRG line with the new R2. Super balanced, faster than the R1 and serious angle generation.


If anyone has any specific questions shoot me a message on here or to freddiewinter@gmail.com

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  • Baller
@FWinter Do you recommend sizing up or down for skiers that are at the higher/lower end of recommended weight ranges. Does your recommendation change if referring to the Ion or R2? ie: size up for ion and down for R2?
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  • Baller

@Stevie Boy

Nice question, one that many people seem to have, especially those of us "across the pond" where it's not so easy to demo the two.


Terry Winter initially suggested the NRG for my weight/height/speed (200lbs/6ft/34mph), and said it's more forgiving, but after watching a video of my skiing said the ION S would probably suit me better because it would help on my offside, where I have some bad habits.


Interestingly, on the split screen, it looks to me like he finishes his turns slightly better on the NRG, but as mentioned above, he can ride anything. It would be more useful to see that comparison by less experienced skiers.


Did you end up getting one?

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  • Baller
@FWinter skis an Ion-S, or at least did in 2021. My guess, and I have no idea if this is true, is that the NRG series has a softer tip layup like an "S" ski. I tried the NRG R2 this spring and I liked it, ended up trying an R1 later in the year and loved it, best ski I've ever ridden. So, big fan of the NRG series here. It's a very "turn-y" ski on both sides, huge bomb onside turns always available if needed which is really handy particularly if coming from a weaker offside lean which a lot of folks struggle with. At the same time ridiculously forgiving and neutral wake to wake like all D3s.
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