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Lake Water Quality Test Kits?


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  • Baller
Are there any cheap lake water testing kits that one could trust? For myself; if I don't grow new body parts or get sick, good to go (if its glass maybe a little sick or another toe ain't so bad); however for my 9 y/o daughter, I would kind of like to know if harmful bacteria, toxins etc. Seen some kits on amazon, but have not had any experience with them?
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  • Baller
These folks will do a domestic water test for $50. I have not used this lab, found them here. Lab standards are a real thing, a professional lab will follow them, a 'test kit' from Amazon likely won't. Personally, I would spend a little extra to know what is in the water. I have also heard that big box home improvement stores offer testing at some locations (likely through a local lab). I believe some Ag Extension offices will process water samples as well, often their services are free of charge.
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  • Baller_
Your state environmental department probably has test kits, many are affiliated with a prominent state university as the test lab. Read the description for what is tested so you get what you want out of it. As invasive species have become an aquatic nuisance and of elevated concern, there may be some state programs your local pond could become involved with, use grant monies allocated to the cause and begin to generate data as to the health of your lake.
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  • Baller
I would rather test it myself or non-government entity. Last thing I want is unnecessary attention brought to a place for recreation; only if water is truly a threat to public health would I bring attention to it. California not exactly friendly to public or private land use. One minute G-Man is testing the water, the next lake shut down for an endangered virus called freedom that could threaten government dependency.
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I may have a great, FREE solution for you, but first I need to know where the lake is you are wondering about. Don't need the lake's name or exact location, just the nearest cities / towns and the state.


PM me if you don't want to make that information public right now.

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My wife is a biologist ( agronomy & entomology ). She would tell you that testing is meaningless unless you know exactly what you are testing for. She would also tell you that you get what you pay for in terms of lab quality.


Trust me I hear about the this crap every night a dinner.

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  • Baller

@Fastguy888 - I 100% agree with @Horton, I have done significant water quality lab testing (3 years in a lab), you will get what you pay for. For some chemical and biologic analysis I would not trust a DIY kit. I have used some in place sensors for various water properties, but those sensors were $2k+ per sensor and often only measured one or two attributes. I would not trust a $25 'kit' for anything more than temperature and maybe pH. In my current job I run a large agricultural facility we do annual soil, irrigation water, and quarterly ground water testing. All by private labs that keep our information private, we do pass the ground water testing on to relevant regulators but that is due to a permitting requirement from a spill cleanup situation from a few decades ago. The lab gives us the test results, we then supply to state regulator, the lab does not provide any information directly to the state.


The link I posted earlier has a few pages of private labs, I would give them a call, I bet it will be pretty easy to get your water tested and keep your information private.


I think the previous links were broken here they are again Example Lab and List of Labs

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  • Baller_
In our case no, what the testing accomplishes for us is to document what our care and sheparding of our lake is accomplishing. It shows that our invasive species control program & general monitoring is keeping us at a safe level. Data is a clear tool to be able to support what one is doing and to blunt any opinion based comments that have no facts supporting a baseless claim.
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