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Wiley high wrap - trick ski


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Question: I have a new Quantum trick and was going to mount a Wileys high wrap - size Large. At first glance, it looks to be a huge struggle to squeeze into. Anyone have any experience with Wiley sizing and options for other boots to mount on a Quantum trick - perhaps a HO high wrap / Animal - will this fit the hole pattern?


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  • Baller
@Tkl127 D3 Leverage and T-Factor will both fit on the Quantum. I use a Leverage on my trick and a T-Factor on my slalom. I wear a size 9.5mens shoe and the mediums fit me well. Snug to put on, but doesn't cut off circulation. A drop of 303 on the heal helps if its cold out.
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  • Baller

@Tkl127 For tricks you want a fairly rigid binding that helps hold your ankle. You want the movement of your legs to translate into directing the ski to edge or weight differently. That's part of the reason you see a lot of trickers using a hardshell binding.


The Wiley's trick wrap is a higher wrap than a slalom (or even jump) binding. It's also typically more snug around the ankle. Use ample soap and you'll get your foot in there (just make sure your little toe is in the binding before you step your foot in hard!). For my jump bindings, I like to use shaving cream instead of soap because it tends to washout better for me.


I used the Wileys trick binding for year and while it's tight, the only drawback is my foot tended to tire and cramp up faster in it than I wanted. I switched to a hard shell a couple years ago and have been really happy with it.

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