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Congratulations: JHUGHES first nationals via a PB at regionals!


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  • Baller

Wow @jhughes ran a tourney PB yesterday at Regionals. 4.5@32 off.

He beat his seed by about 6-8 spots which is huge. Tournaments haven't been his focus but the bug might have bit him now :smile:



The past two years he has done the gritty, tough, committed actual work of grinding every set. It's been fun watching him grow and push himself. Compliment to him as he has owned his skiing instead of blaming anything and everything as an excuse. Instead, he's just showed up and worked. Paid off. Come a long way from fifteenoff.com ;)


Maybe he'll chime in and post a few nuggets of his last 2 years evolution or plan for nationals.


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  • Baller

Oh holy cow. Was wondering why a few folks were texting me today!


I really enjoyed the tournament, serious kudos to everyone who put that on. Amazingly polished and fun event. My first regionals and probably my 5th ever tournament over the years. I'm pretty late onto this scene as I didn't grow up with this stuff.


I didn't know what to expect and I was really happy to ski that well. Makes me excited about next year and I definitely want to ski more tournaments.


I'm not the most serious skier around but I've tried to focus on fundamentals more often than not. Hasn't always been easy. Been skiing in a lot of wind lately which helped on Sunday. Been learning the difference between skiing and training.


Thanks @scoke for all the mentorship over the years, it's made a huge difference. Also shout out to Cris Kodiak, Mark Friese, and Ryan Ripley for being the biggest tournament stewards on earth, these guys love this shit and now I know why!


Plan for nationals? I'm just happy to have squeaked in there and I'm looking forward to the valuable experience. With the wind and nerves last Sunday my skiing was just 100% guts, pretty much zero technique, I feel sorry for the boat judge who probably thought I'd injure myself on every turn. Hoping to blend a little more technique back in and most importantly just stay skiing!










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