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Matthew Brown


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  • Baller
A few years ago I went to a ski weekend with Terry Winter in Northern California. It was my first one and I was just getting comfortable on the course 32-34/15. A lot of the other skiers were way more advanced and Matthew is giving some pointers along with Terry. Matthew was there and he just took an interest in me and made me feel just as important as somebody working on getting to 41 off. We ended up talking quite a bit and I had asked him about if he was skiing. He mentioned no and told me he was fighting cancer. I was a bit blown away because he had such an easy calm spirit and was out there with just a quiet joy while he was helping others. I’ve thought of him a lot over the last couple years even though we just had that one interaction. So sorry to hear about him passing. He really impressed me as a wonderful person. RIP Matthew.
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Matt had a way of making people feeling important. Marcus hit it on the head when he said Matt looked people in the eye and gave them his full attention. When I grow up, I want to be like Matt Brown. I will never be that good of a skier, but I can try to be that good of a person.
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  • Baller

Last year was my second introduction to the Ability First group of skiers (my son's girl friend is a part of) that ski at the lake were Matthew, Marcus, Mattie and two other families live. I don't know the name of the lake we call it Mattie's lake. While there we motored down to Marcus's and picked him up to lend his coaching talents to Mattie's son. While on the boat Marcus yelled over at his brother on the shore.


Then in conversation I found out about Matthew's diagnosis and that he was staying down at his end of the lake related to COVID and a compromised immune system. I knew from Marcus's discussion that his brother had received the last bit of treatment available to him and things did not look good. I never met Matthew officially but my condolences go out to the family and friends. I was at the lake a month ago and did not see anyone at his lot and wounder. Sorry for your loss.

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  • Baller
I met Matt in 2017 at a local tournament. It was his next to last tournament that he skied. @Skichiro and @brettmainer captioned my thoughts from my conversations on the dock. When we talked he gave his full attention to the conversation. It was a moment in time that will be etched into my memory forever. Rest in Peace and comfort for his family.
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