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How should I advance in the coarse?


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  • Baller
SO I’m a rookie, 48yrs old, 10 month experience rounding buoys. 5@ 22 -34 is my best. I run a lot of 15@32 and try to work on my form there and can run 22@32 regularly, I have not tried 28 off at any speed. My question is; should I continue to cut the rope at 32 on occasion to test myself or go up into 34 proficiently before I begin to cut he rope past 22 off? My goal is to run up into 34!
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  • Baller
I have very little rhyme or reason to my methods, but when trying to master a new line length I go back and forth a lot between slowing the boat and shortening the line. (If you’re trying to master 22 off, try a few at 28) Slower passes will give you time to focus on form and technique, but don’t lose your touch with faster boat speeds either. A coach told me once also, that stepping up to the next line length teaches you to be more aggressive even on a longer line. Hope this helps. Happy skiing.
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  • Baller

I do think people progress faster if they pick one method and stay with it. The people I've seen jump around between getting up to full speed and then the next week shorten the rope at less than full speed do not seem to progress as well from what I've seen.


For me personally, I had better luck with getting up to my max speed (34 mph) and then shortening the line. For reference I tend to get into 32 off at 34 these days. The ski rides and behaves differently at higher speeds.


For context, I'm approaching 60 years old which adds to the challenge. But I'm still pretty physically active in many sports. I still MTB a lot and rode MTBs competitively for many years.

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  • Baller

28 off typically brings you into the "better" parts of the wake at 32mph +, behind most boats. IMO if you haven't tried 28 yet, do it free skiing so you get a feel for it, then give it a go in the course. This is supposed to be fun, try it out.


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  • Baller
I'm roughly where you are; congrats on getting there in 10 months! I agree with those who say that the geometry is totally different at 22 off; I think I'm making enough speed into centerline but the feel and timing is so different. I think that's where my practice efforts need to be focused going forward; I may throw out 15 off for the rest of the season . Keep at it, best of luck to you!
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  • Baller
So after consideration of everyone’s advise and how I learned to ski 15 off, I started at 22 off and 30mph. Ran the pass into and down wind once. Bumped up to 32mph and ran it 4 times where the last pass downwind I only ran 4. Whet to 34 mph and ran the pass the first time with ease! Down wind not so much but still managed 4 ball with a fight. I would have never slowed down to 30 without some convincing.Thanks for the advise guys, it did help.
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  • Baller


Congrats to an exceptionell fast progress!

Wery well done!!


Just to compare (I might be a really slow learner)....

I have made type 1000 sucessfull passes 15off at 30mph. 500 at 31mph, 150 at 32mph. Only -One 22 off at 32mph....

I am 63 and will most likely skip 34.

And I have taken plus 100 sets with really experienced coaches.


So be proud and enjoy yor achivements

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