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IWWF World Championships


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  • Baller
Mens slalom super exciting! Great to have Worlds at such a awesome site. Real happy and impressed with Dane in Runoff. But almost as impressed with Joel even though he didn’t make it. He had about a 2 hr wait. Then be last off in runoff and still smoke 39 cold and get 3 @41
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  • Baller
Suggestion for TWSBC - Skier name and rope length in a box on screen would be a great enhancement for times when we are unable to have sound on. Not a complaint though, best production of water ski tournaments I have ever seen, and they keep getting better!
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  • Baller

Any word on Whitney? That fall was brutal.

If she has a concussion, would concussion protocol keep her from competing, if she chose to/were able to? That is, do we have measures in place that allow/disallow skiers with concussions to continue competing?

The concussion question is not a Whitney specific question, to be clear (she may not even have one, I don’t know)

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  • Baller_
@aupatking, in AWSA, the Chief Safety (with Chief Judge consultation and any override notwithstanding) can stop competition when an unsafe condition exists. This includes preventing a skier from continuing if their participation is a danger to themselves or others. The same applies to the continued participation of an official whose performance may be compromised in a similar manner. I don't know the IWWF rule, but they tend to be quite similar.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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Are Overall results solely based on the Preliminary Round scores? Or, do overall skiers who make the 12 person cut to the finals in any of three events have a chance to improve their overall score with a better final round performance? Basically, is Woman's Overall now complete, and Men's will be finalized after the conclusion of the Men's Trick event tomorrow morning, or are overall winners only crowned after the finals are over.


I am pretty sure the answer to my question above is that overall is based on a single round, so just the prelim scores count. But, what if a skier made the finals cut in all three events and posted a better overall score in "Round 2" of the tournament than they did in Round 1? Does the higher Round 2 score become their overall score for the tournament, but all of the overall skiers who did not qualify for the finals in all 3 events just don't get a second round of overall?


Assuming the answer to the above is, "Only the preliminary rounds have anything to do with Overall", it causes me to view some of the preliminary results differently. A slalom specialist may be content to pull up at 3@41 knowing he/she qualified for the finals, but an overall skier has to go for every 1/4 buoy, potentially falling at 3 in the attempt to get to 4.


Were Krueger's and Dodd's preliminary jumps shorter than Llewellen and Poland because they took safe (for them) jumps to qualify while Llewellen and Poland went as hard as they could today due to the overall battle? I would assume that Krueger and Dodd, both being "high mileage" jumpers with Dodd recently back from injury, didn't give it everything they had today, preferring not to risk injury two days before the finals. All they had to do was qualify without injury, then go all out on Sunday. Skiers competing in overall, not just jump, don't have that luxury.

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  • Baller_

@brettmainer for the overall skiers the better of prelim or final counts towards the overall score. The rationale is as you suggested - a top skier may only do what is necessary to get to the finals and may be less than he is capable of.


Most of these skiers don’t hold back at worlds. There are a plethora of reasons why any given skier didn’t perform “as expected “.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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I don't think anybody holds back at worlds. You can speculate strategy but I think you would be wrong. The only super elite skier I know of who might do something like that is Asher. He is known to dislike being last off the dock but that's certainly not a factor at this event.
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I learn something every day.


I disagree with @Horton about holding back. I think there were quite a few skiers who only went for 2@39 (women) or 3@41 (men) rather than risk it to go further. As for jump, I can only surmise. However, why would Ryan Dodd go 100% in the prelims with no overall in question? He might crash, might re-injure, might have to pass. Take the safe (for the world record holder) jump and wait for Sunday.

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  • Baller
@Bruce_Butterfield she did ski fantastic! You guys have been working hard! So awesome to see her compete at Worlds when I can remember her barely getting started skiing! Tell her to enjoy getting the career in motion! Exciting times, milestone events!!
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  • Baller

This was my first day ever at a pro tournament. Took my oldest daughter. What a blast!

The skiing was great and the tension was palpable during that men's runoff for third.


I was sitting right across from where that first photo from @lpskier was taken. Brie skied great.


We coincidentally sat at the cutout in the middle of the course. Most of the skiers made their way out right in front of us. Extra entertaining to see them all meet their friends and families as they exited. Regina was emotional. What an amazing story.

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  • Baller_

Without going into great detail, the skiers in Men’s Series 3 were disappointed to have a different driver than Series 1 and 2. The rules require that 1 and 2 have the same driver, but (probably) because the event was in the USA, the quality of the Series 3 field was particularly high. Series 3 skiers wanted a level playing field.


Then (at least some of) the Series 3 skiers thought they got a significantly inferior pull. This may be borne out by the fact that (as I recall) no Series 3 skier made it to the final. I saw what I thought to be a lot of loose line in Series 3 and commented to a friend in the moment that a skier I know well just didn’t look right during his set.


Moreover, before the event the athlete representatives requested that Men’s Series 3 get the same driver and we’re turned down. So there are folks that skied Series 3 that think they weren’t treated fairly.


So this adds up to a stink.


All that said, Worlds has been a great success. Lots of people at the lake yesterday and as you probably saw on the webcast, a lot of very exciting skiing. I’ll be talking about Dane Mechler’s run off on Thursday for quite some time, as I will of Nate’s domineering win and the huge run off for bronze. No one missed a 39 off the dock! And Dorien Llewellyn on the ramp. My money is on him today to win the jump. Watch the height that kid gets off the ramp.


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  • Baller



Jeff Rodgers - 1997

Andy Mapple - 1998

Ben Favret - 2002 - Boat Path Issue

Jamie Beauchesne - 2003

Chris Parrish - 2005

Will Asher - 2008

*Thomas Degasperi - 2009

Nate Smith - 2010

Jon Travers - 2012

Freddie Winter - 2014

Corey Vaughn - 2015

Sachs Descuns - 2016

Robert Pigozzi - 2018

Brian Detrick - 2021

*Dane Mechler - 2021


* In a runoff. Does not count as an official score


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  • Baller

What a great event. TWBC has done an amazing job of bringing skiing to us viewers. Kudos to them. The skiing was great. So motivating for us kind of rookie weekend warrior types. Inspired me to go out friday evening and tie my PB. Season is winding down here, but hoping to get out a couple more times this year.






The water ski community can be very proud of this event. Congrats to all skiers, especially WMR who came back to make an appearance in the finals after that nasty crash.


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  • Baller
A lot of people were complaining about the IWWF license fee when it was first introduced, but I for one am happy to have paid that fee this year. That fee - and the new funding strategy for Worlds that it created - is why this year's event was held on a world-class site and not alongside shipping barges like in past years. It's great for the sport.
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@jcamp I think it's a little optimistic to connect the $25 fee to having worlds at Jack's. Worlds is a cash cow for international. They keep all of the entry fees.
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  • Baller
@Horton Clearly the $25 skier license fee isn’t generating that much, but guess it’s part of the new formula for funding. Whatever is behind it, happy to see worlds at a world class, (and safe) venue!
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