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  • Baller_

I believe that most of the suspected methods of cheating are being handled by technology - GPS speed control, boat path measurement systems, video verification.


Multiple officials are used for judging to reduce the opportunity for collusion between officials and athletes. There are conflict of interest rules for certain sanction levels (e.g., no family members driving or judging the skier for class E/L/R).


Handles and ropes are verified by technical controllers and designated dock starters.


There is an anti-doping policy.


Probably the most nebulous area would be driving. A boat driver can drive an "in tolerance" path that really works with the skier and can also drive an "in tolerance" path that is awful for the skier.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_

I would be really surprised at any sabotage. Someone who attends or competes at a lot of those high-end events would have to comment, though. I'm just not a part of that world.


About the only time I can recall hearing about anyone sawing or filing or hammering or drilling on a ski or fin would be the LaPoints - and they were doing it to their own equipment (sometimes between tournament rounds).

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller


is there a particular incident or event you are inferring that some sabotage occurred? I find your screen name interesting and all 4 posts in this thread. Seems you’re subliminally suggesting you know something.

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  • Baller

@The_untalked_about Seems like you are just trying to stir s**t under an anonymous veil.


There are rules in place regarding family members officiating for their kids. Not sure where you are located but this is typically not allowed in the US for Class ELR events.



Have there been instances of cheating in our sport? Yes.

Have they been dealt with? Yes. A few individuals have been suspended or banned, others have been put on probation.


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  • Baller

I do not think it is that common, but if you Cheat, you Cheat yourself, Respect yourself and others.

Just waiting for a particular name to pop here, but he got dealt with, it was an extraordinarily example of what lengths certain individuals would go to win.


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  • Administrators


Before you post any specifics I need you to add your real name and IWWF member number to your user account. I am always looking to expose any cheating in the sport but will not let anyone do so anonymously.

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  • Administrators

Besides skiing inside the ball and then pretending to have gone around it, a skier can not easily cheat by themselves.


Officials and event organizers can certainly do things to inflate scores if they really want to. I think it happens a lot less today than in years past. I like to think that this web site and other social media platforms have made the sport more transparent. Today if something seems wrong, we are all going to hear about and that is a strong disincentive to those who may otherwise be inclined to bend the rules.


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  • Administrators

Let me add to the above that this is a two-edged sword. I can think of at least one case where someone who was likely well-meaning and honest was thrown under the bus in this forum. Looking back I do not feel good about it.


We need to be careful when we point fingers, but we should also be unafraid to speak up when things do not look right.

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  • Baller
I would prefer the thread be removed as apposed to all of these meaningless posts that have been edited, leaving those of us late to the party to just sit here scratching our heads. And for someone that hasn't even finished his 1st cup of coffee, I'm REALLY confused.
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