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EP89: Ski Talk with Jacinta Carroll (Part 2)


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Wow there's a lot there. Nautique curtly dropping her as a sponsored athlete is very disappointing. And it confirms everyone's used-to-sound-paranoid fear that competitors would be unwilling to ski their best behind "other" boats. Sad on many levels.


But it's still my key take away that Jacinta freakin kicks ass!!

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  • Baller
Very ordinary by Nautique. They have the biggest stable of skiers on their team and to put it kindly the results of most of them don't support being them being sponsored. Yet they can't keep a legitimate GOAT?
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  • Baller

Agree with @rockdog. The message I get out of it is if you want to be the best and succeed, it has to be on their terms. Who do they think they are to play god with people’s goals and dreams? Oh, wait.....

I’m almost embarrassed now to have a Nautique. You can hear the emotion in her voice, the betrayal has cut deep. It appears to me this sport is doing everything it possibly can to kill itself.


Chin up Rabbit. No female jumper is going to even come close for at least a decade. You’ve left your mark. Probably the best female jumper there will ever be.

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  • Baller
So I just got through listening to both parts of this podcast and all I can saw is wow on many levels. Jacinta... you are truly a class act and role model for women and men of all ages. Thank you for taking the time in giving us all a look into who you are as a person and not just an athlete dominating your sport but where you came from (other than Oz). As an owner of 3 Nautiques, their luster has been forever tarnished for the way you were treated simply because you chased and attained that 200 ft dream, record and goal. Who cares if it was behind a competitors boat? you will ALWAYS be remembered as the first lady who did so!! Shame on them! By you stepping up, coming forward and saying the things that you said, was exactly what many needed to hear. I applaud you, I commend you and I admire you for that. Thank you for the many displays of flight over water here in the US. You were and are always a joy and thrill to watch. I for one am glad I got to see many of your flights in person.
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  • Baller
I've always wondered what the dynamic was of a lot of these athletes already being pretty loaded from well-off families. I don't know or care who is or isn't but it's interesting. It's a sport of immense privilege, and high skill levels in the US usually means time and money in abundance. And it's usually the private lake setup and luxury of time, not the boat, that's the barrier to entry here, and that's a serious buy-in. It's not like basketball or soccer- the training ground is really tough to get.
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  • Baller

@morfoot goes back again to a recommendation people here don't like but by giving top ranked skiers the last set they know what they need to do. There is no reason to do any more than is needed to win unless they happen to be in reach of a record behind their sponsor.


Just making top ranked skiers go off the dock first or a randomized running order would mean a skier would have to put up their best effort always.


Nate Smith full pass at 41 for the podium doesn't even take the next pass if it's a Mastercraft.

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