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100 Years of Water-Skiing


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  • Baller

Hello Ballers!


July 2nd 2022 will mark the 100th Anniversary of water-skiing being invented. For those that are not familiar with the story, Ralph Samuelson of Lake City MN is credited for being the first to waterski on the hallowed waters of Lake Pepin in the summer of 1922. His first equipment consisted of barrel staves for skis being pulled at 20mph. There is no mention or evidence of an abundance of alcohol being part of this monumental feat, but almost certainly (but probably not) the phrase “shut up and hold my beer” was spoken in a voice similar to @thager's prior to jumping in the water.


My favorite part of water-skiing is the family, friends, and cold beers that make enjoying it so much fun. Please share your favorite memories/pictures/stories that define water-skiing and what it means to you. Cheers Ralph, thank you for sending it!


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  • Baller

Thank you for the timely post.


I am honored to have met Ralph Samuelson when we was among the first class of inductees into the Water Ski Hall of Fame in 1982. It was heartwarming to see the old man soaking up the attention after his accomplishments were “discovered” late in life. Afterward, from time to time I would receive a note from him in the mail. Inside one envelope was a photo of him surrounded by a bevy of pretty girls. On the outside he wrote, “Bruce, put on sunglasses before opening!”


Samuelson’s contributions to the sport were many. He was the first to build and use a jump ramp. He skied behind a flying boat. He was a one-man ambassador, staging exhibitions in Florida that introduced the sport to people from Europe and elsewhere.


A pair of Ralph’s skis were among first important accessions to the AWSA/AWSEF museum. (Not the same pair as in the photo but very similar.) I remember unpacking the box they were shipped in. When I came back in the hall, our teenage mailroom helper was standing on top of the fragile and precious boards.

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