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Goode Ski Bindings


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I picked up a Goode 67 240amp 9534 off marketplace for $45. Need to mount some bindings and nothing seems to match the holes on ski. Any advise? Also after looking closer previous owner set screw to deep and made mark on bottom of ski. Anyone ever fixed this? Just wanted to try the ski no big plans with it.


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  • Baller_
If you are considering adding inserts / additional holes for a different binding pattern, make sure you consider the structural integrity of your modifications. You do not want the ski to fail particularly near the midpoint or between the bindings. You can still access the Goode Technical Manual on the Goode website, binding installation is one of the topics.
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  • Baller

Always contrarian, I'd take it for a ride. For liability reasons I won't recommend that for you.


I have mounted holes through the ski like that. I was still able to ski them. Note that on my experimental skis I know exactly what my layup is and if such a mistake is through a critical stringer or just cosmetic in a thin spot on the skin that breaks easily.


Note that older Goodes have a reputation for breaking. Not sure if it is real or deserved. Possibly related to overheating from leaving a black ski in the sun which can certainly get hot enough to damage the layup. The only one I personally saw was a delamination of the tail that did not see the ski fall apart during use. Caution is called for with any older ski.


I've broken several skis in the process of building skis. A couple injuries from funky equipment (I can't remember any injuries from clean breaks) but lots more injuries on skis that didn't break and worked perfectly (even if I didn't). There are risks associated with skiing.


If you really love the ski and push the ski (and yourself) to the limit, that might be a really dangerous ski. There are lots of really good reasons to field a new modern ski.





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