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ASU sun devils water ski team at risk (fund raiser)


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  • Baller

As many of you know the ASU team recently lost access to their long time training site and are in the process of moving to a new lake. Unfortunately the costs are substantial and if they are unable to raise the necessary funds they are at risk of shutting down the team. 

To go collegiate team of the year to shut down would be devastating for these kids  

Please consider donating if you can spare even a small amount. 

My daughter is headed to ASU next year as a freshman and a big part of her decision to head there was the water ski team. I hope we can all help this crew out and give her and the rest of her class a chance to experience collegiate waterskiing.


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  • Baller

Spring mountain ranch I believe. They need to move their jump from Firebird. 

Its a longer drive but my understanding is it’s a much nicer training site. Having skied the dirty bird myself I can attest it is “diffferent”. 

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