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Waterski Journal N°11 x Radar

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This Waterski Journal edition walks you through the Radar Skis brand. Do you remember your first ski ? Not the first one you skied on, or the one a friend shared with you for a while. I mean the first ski you really owned. I remember mine. A Radar Strada that Eric Franc, my father-in-law gave me when he noticed my new passion: following his daughter Ambre Franc to ski lakes around the world. This moment started my relationship with Radar ski company. Fast forward a few years. When I started Waterski Nation I had no clue Radar Skis would become my first major supporter. Brooks Wilson, Radar brand manager, was the first person in the industry to take notice of my efforts, and truly support the project. Naturally, when he asked me if we could work on a Waterski Journal focusing on the history of Radar, I did not hesitate. The extra bonus for me was being able to work on this with a legend of the sport and former Editor of the Waterski Magazine : Trent Finlayson.


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