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Women and children first?


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  • Baller

+1 for getting more kids involved. We just had a great Youth Development weekend event here at Greenwood's 2 weeks ago.  Great event, specifically for this purpose.  Love to see the kids all cranked up and skiing hard and having a great time.   

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  • Baller_

When I do running orders, I base it around what I have for officials. I lay out officials by split. Whoever works split 1 has to ski split 2 or 3, etc. Once my officials are laid out, I fill in the other divisions around them. 


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  • Baller_

Good thread. I remember watching my daughter get crushed by a certain boats wakes (yrs ago) first round (early am) and didn’t want to ski second and third. I somehow convinced her (probably bribed) and round two with a diff boat was a PB with way better wakes at slower speeds. Seemed half the wake size of the first round disaster. There’s way more to why kids back away these days but giving them preferential time and boat seems like a no brainer. It’s diff for each tournament but please add awards for Jr if u are not doing so. Make a world of diff to fight for a medal or trophy or a prize then a ranking number. 

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  • Baller

Totally agree and just because "that's how we have always done it" isn't good enough anymore as we watch the sport continue to shrink........I think the key word used by @Horton but over-looked by many who take the sport a little too seriously is FUN.  I really appreciate the comments we get following our tournaments and the more people say 'Fun" the better job I think we have done as a club.

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  • Baller

Would be great if order were mixed up randomly. Not right that the kids always go first. But also would not be right if M4 or W7 were first every time. 

The summer that got my daughter hooked she was 8 or 9. Once a week, I think it was Wed, there was an unofficial kids only tournament Starting about 4 in the afternoon.  Scored on a handicap system.   One young girl was skiing doubles. A couple of teen gentlemen were into 38 and 39 off. Averaged about 20 kids each week. There were prizes each week and every kid had a chance to win. If I recall, 9 lakes donated an afternoon for the kids.  One week Rhoni Barton was in Town and jumped in the boat to do a bunch of the Driving. I think Terry Winter watched every kid, regardless of ability.  There was a bbq, and maybe a beer or two for adults who were not officiating. These were fun, and even adults with no kids were showing up to officiate, drive, enjoy the bbq, and encourage the kids. To me, these unofficial events were the water skiing community at its best. It was great for the kids. 

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  • Baller

It's a catch 22, the flattest water is typically first or last thing, you normally have to sign on first thing so getting the kids on the water means they get flat water and are straight into it. The downside is you then have to entertain them for 12hrs until 8pm prize giving.

The flip side, for example my boy did a comp this weekend and he skied at 16.30 with a 12.30 start, got the worst water as the wind picked up (20mph head/tail wind rather than low single figures at the start/end), had built himself up over the afternoon watching everyone else, was half tired as he'd been running around with the other kids all afternoon and didn't run 26 when he'd been skiing into 30 regularly and spent a couple of days beating himself up about "not doing his best" 

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