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SKI-IT-AGAIN ***MOBILE*** Beta Version Needs Testing!


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  • Baller


It's time again to ask for a BIG FAVOR!


This exercise has shown me where I did great at some aspects of my software design (coding for future scalability and expansion) and others that just had to be completed with a sledge hammer.

OBJECTIVE: BEAT THE CRAP out of the software to find any bugs you can and report them! Suggestions and Questions also welcome!


Anyone who provides a bug report or offers a suggestion will be entered into a drawing for a FREE TOG!


1) Use the following URL.

https://www.ski-it-again.com/TEST/php/skiitagain.php  (NOTE:  the directory "/TEST/" *** very important! *** )

The DESKTOP / FULL WEBSITE has the yellow "TEST-SITE" logo in the top left of any page.  If that disappears, and you are on the FULL WEBSITE, then you managed to get to the LIVE site, so beware!  The MOBILE has "SKI-IT-AGAIN.COM, LLC (TEST)" at the top.  Note, the MOBILE code only exists in the TEST directory.

2) Please test both SIGNED-IN and not.

3) The code will detect MOBILE or DESKTOP device but Session Variables are used to "remember" where you were last.  Therefore, if those Session Variables are still "alive" (30min usually) you will need to use the button in the footer to force the "other" mode. 

      TRICK:  If you notice a thin purple line in the upper right on the DESKTOP mode, that is a link to CLEAR YOUR SESSION VARS ... this will allow you to RESET as if your SESSION VARS have expired.  You will also see these SESSION VARS and what their values are.

4) Links for the ENDLESS WINTER side of the website have been disabled for this exercise.

Words of Warning:

1) TEST SITE is fully functional but some pages may be older and photos missing compared to LIVE site.   HOWEVER, the TEST DB (i.e. members, postings, etc.) was synched to the LIVE DB at 08-14-2023@0104C.

2) PAYPAL links are LIVE so be careful if you hit the PP website, but the SIA STORE is NOT active on the MOBILE version [yet].

3) Postings created in the TEST site will NOT show up on the LIVE site.  So feel free to make some bogus postings but it keep it clean please! There are kids on this website! 🙂

4) Posting test inquiries will NOT be sent to the Seller, however, you should receive your complimentary copy. Same goes for TELL A FRIEND, you will get the CC but the friend will not.

5) Always look for "TEST" in the URL of the web browser OR in the subject line of an email.  

6) If you are SIGNED-IN, recommend signing out before switching back to LIVE site.  Have seen where the browser gets confused and results in fictitious SERVER ERRORS.

7) Some graphics (e.g. Advertising Banners) still need work to fit better.

😎 Report BUGS back to larryg@ski-it-again.com. Please include problem path (how do you repeat the problem) and/or screenshots if possible.




Edited by LarryG
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  • Baller


1)  A bug tally is being kept on the TEST - DESKTOP home page.

2)  Thanks to JacobD for finding the FIRST one!  Am sure there are more so please keep 'em coming.

3)  The MOBILE site was optimized for PHONES (smaller display) but will still render fairly well on tablets but optimizing for tablets is still in the job-jar.  CSS to the rescue!


Edited by LarryG
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  • Baller

As soon as I signed in it said that this website was involved in a data breach, not sure if that is actually true.

Thank you for starting mobile, I love ski-it-again and use it all the time. Also donate yearly or more depending on how much stuff I sell, everyone should do the same!

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  • Baller
4 hours ago, Hucklefin said:

As soon as I signed in it said that this website was involved in a data breach, not sure if that is actually true.

Thank you for starting mobile, I love ski-it-again and use it all the time. Also donate yearly or more depending on how much stuff I sell, everyone should do the same!


Thanks for the comments, kudos, and donations! ...

Not sure where DATA BREACH came from! 

Sounds like some security software on your PC/phone over-reacting potentially due to our webhost is a "shared" platform, so other websites are on the server as well.

But on that topic ... in case someone is interested ...

Could someone HACK the SIA website/database?  YES but SIA uses a webhost that is responsible for typical server security so not good for their business if always getting hacked.   Unfortunately, there are alot of people out there living in their parent's basement with nothing better to do.   That being said, I doubt the HACKER's version of the Golden Globe Awards will give out a trophy for hacking the SIA website ... compared to say MasterCard!

What could they get?  SIA is well aware someone could hack the site so it requires bare minimum info (i.e name, city, state, country, email, [Level 1] password) to create a posting.  Not much more than what used to be in the phonebook.  No account required to INQUIRE to a posting.  There are fields for a few other tidbits (i.e. address, birth month [only], phone, favorites) if you have entered them.  It helps SIA to have a phone number in case a Buyer is looking to contact you if email is not getting through (like GMAIL putting SIA messages in the PROMOTIONS tab akin to a junk folder).  As for PASSWORD ... SIA always recommends using a Level 1 PASSWORD.  A Level 1 is something you would use for a FREE website and do not care if someone sees it, whereas a Level 2 maybe a Credit Card site, and a Level 3 is your retirement account.  Any payments to SIA via the STORE or donations are handled via PayPal, so no payment information is maintained on SIA website.

But in order to keep honest people honest, SIA will look into HASHING the passwords (thanks DougL).  With today's computers, the normal hash algorithms can be brute-force cracked much easier than before, but hashing them will still be better than not.  It does mean any LOST PASSWORDS will have to be changed rather than just emailed back to you.

If you see that again, please take a screenshot and send it to me.  Would like to see it.




Edited by LarryG
Update to password information
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