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transitioning to radar union


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I'm 56 years old, skied occasionally when I was much younger, but never enough to get past absolute beginner back in those days.  I've started putting some effort into it the last couple of years now that I have a boat, and feel like I'm at least on the low side of intermediate now.  Deep water starts are no longer an issue, starting to charge back into and cross the wake a bit more aggressively this year.

I've been using a Radar Session I bought early last summer, but bought a Radar Union for this season based on reviews and feeling like I was ready to move up the ladder just a little.  I've done very well on the Session, but the Union feels a little squirrelly at times to me.  The Union will sometimes get an unexpected twitch or wobble from side to side.  Nothing that has caused me to wipe out, but I haven't felt nearly as confident yet on the Union as with the more beginner friendly Session.

Any advice on adjustments I might consider?   I have the heal of the front boot set to the recommended distance from back of ski, and the fin is set in the middle position.

Being older, I try to stay at the low end of the speed range, so I'm usually around 22 to 24ish on the Session and feel just fine.  I weigh about 155.  Maybe the Union needs a little more speed for stability?

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  • Baller

If you’re free skiing, I would speed up to at least 28-30 mph and shorten the line to 32’ off to get in front of the wakes. The ski starts to ride too deep in the water at slower speeds and it will wiggle. You want to be up on top of the water with the ski gliding. Good luck! 

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  • Baller

I have a Theory, which is a similar ski, and it is happier at 28-30 mph.  26 is about a low and I can ski it without feeling like I'm dragging.  Give the ski some time I think you will really like it and make sure you are putting enough weight on your front foot by putting your knee over your front toe.

I also have a Session in my arsenal

Edited by Ski_Dad
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  • Baller

The speed is probably your issue, there simply isn't enough surface area at 22 mph for the Union, where as the Session has the extra width and surface area to compensate for the slower speeds. Looks like Radar suggests a range of 24 to 32 mph for the Union, but I'd suggest going at least 26, otherwise you're going to be feeling some weird behavior. I went from a Butterknife up to a Senate recently, and the increased speed required definitely makes the ski feel much more stable.

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Thanks to all.  Hope to be back at it this weekend, so will start getting used to the faster speed and will play around with rope length some.

03RLXi, yep, I also bought a hovercraft earlier this year as a guest ski to have on boat.  Great ski to transition someone from 2 skis into deep water slalom starts without going thru the hassle of dropping a ski.   I still have fun playing around with it from time to time.



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