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Help UCLA Waterski fundraise to fix our boat!

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Hi everyone! The UCLA Waterski team has launched our spark fundraising campaign for the year! This year has been one for the books with our team qualifying and attending nationals and growing as a team! But unexpected issues with our main boat has set us back this season.

Our mission has always been to provide access to waterskiing for all students through low club dues and costs. However with the unexpected costs for boat repairs and nationals travel, many members have experienced financial struggles with the increase in costs and extra expenses.

With the upcoming tournament season we will need our boats back up and running to get us back out onto the water and we need your help to get there! Please consider donating to our campaign to help UCLA waterski show everyone who’s the best in the west!

All donations help to fix our main boat and to buy new equipment for the team so we can get back out on the water! Any and all donations are hugely appreciated. Use the link below to donate!


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The poor old boo has a laundry list of problems. I am not sure what it is in for now but it has electrical problems. I towed it to the local dealership 2 years ago before I left Bakersfield. I don't know what's happened since.

The kids at UCLA are great. They have little or no university supervision or funding but historically they've soldered on. 

It would be great if some folks through a few tokens in their bucket

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  • Baller

UCLA is an incredibly overachieving team. There is zero official support (the Quidditch team gets more money from the school than the waterski team). Their practice site is well over an hour away from school (if the LA traffic isn't bad - but LA traffic is always bad). Their primary lake has been dry for years. Their boat is very old and high hours (it did get used enough to get high hours - and qualify teams for Nationals). UCLA is one of the most difficult schools to get into with a 9% acceptance rate - worse than any other public university - so the talented skiers at UCLA are a tiny fraction of the waterski community. Add the rigors of a high pressure academic load and it's a wonder they learn and perform as well as they do. Most of the team has never competed before college - yet develop and achieve at a high level during and after school. The UCLA team is a worthy and valuable part of the waterski world.


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