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Time for a new binding... Reflex Direct Connect?

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  • Baller

I've been skiing on a Reflex SuperShell 2.0 for the past 7 years. It's a great binding, but it's showing a lot of rust & wear. I'm going to get a new full setup this year, and there are just too many options. I broke my foot by not coming out of the ski 8 years ago. Because of that, I know that I want a release system for safety reasons.

My current top contenders:

1. Reflex Direct Connect (Adjust vs U-Sole?)

2. Reflex SuperShell 9.0 

3. Radar Vapor Boot with a release

Top Questions: I saw @Horton's review of the DC, and it looks really nice, and I have no problem setting up my ski. Has anyone tried it and not liked it?

What's the difference between the U-Sole and Adjust? I thought the Adjust was the newest model, but they are selling the U-Sole and it's actually more money.

Has anyone tried the Radar Vapor with a release? I do use a Radar ski and the boot looks nice.

Lastly, is there anyway to demo bindings via mail?

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  • Baller

@vtmechengThanks! I hadn't heard of the MOB, and it looks really nice. I need to do some research on how it compares to the Reflex release. 

It looks like I would love this for trick, so when it releases it stops hitting me in the shin!

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  • Baller

I bought my wife an MOB due to the perceived additional safety of degrees of freedom for release. Cannot comment on performance, as she hasn't been in a fall to even try the release yet. One thing is for sure though, that ski is HEAVY with that binding. Almost too heavy imo. 

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The Reflex system is clearly the gold standard in water skiing. I personally prefer the Reflex classic boot and now that Direct Connect fits the classic black boot this would be my choice. DC now comes with a micro-adjust system so you can move the boot forward and backward for exact placement.  

The key factor about the Reflex system and other Silvretta release systems ( HO and Edge ) is how easily I can test the release tension on the dock. Other systems require a leap of faith that does not make me comfortable. 8


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  • Baller

As with everything, it’s up to the user to decide what makes them comfortable. The MOB isn’t a new system and I can attest to it working when needed (having “tested” it more times than I like to admit). Again, to each their own.

On weight, it is heavy compared to other options. That said, I use a rear toe plate and figure some double boot setups aren’t much different. I’m also not going to 39-41 off so that little weight isn’t going to be the defining factor.


On boot type, that’s 100% personal preference. Some love the classic Reflex (like @Horton), a different Reflex, the Vapor, or a classic rubber. You will see many here say that you can pry their Tfactor out of their cold dead hands. My foot and body structure aren’t like anyone else’s and that plays a big part. It’s a lot like snow skiing in that you have no idea what you like until you try it and almost no one lets you demo the higher end options. Sorry it isn’t easier. 

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  • Baller

I just switched from dual radar vapor boots to the Reflex DC and R style system.  Still getting comfortable with the switch.   It’s early in the season and living in the north I don’t have a lot of time on the new set up.  Two free ski sets and four sets in the course.  The reason for the switch was last year I stuffed the tip and my back foot extended to the point where I thought I tore my achilles. Thankfully I didn’t.   I wanted something where my back foot would come out if that ever happened again.  
Not gonna lie, this move feels like I’m learning to slalom all over again.  I’m confident this is the better move long term for safety and performance.    


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R Style back bindings are maybe my favorite product from Reflex.  

Switching both front and back bindings at the same time is a bold move. Often changing your back is a bigger change than the front. I can switch from Radar or HO or Reflex front bindings without missing a beat but just changing just the liner on my back binding will throw me for a loop. 

With the R Style make sure you are consistent with the buckles from ride to ride. I personally do not CRANK my buckles but also can not ski for Sh*t if they are too loose. With any buckle system, I mark the strap with a silver sharpie so I can tighten it to the same point every time. 


Boot choice is personal. If you like the super shell you might want to stick with it. IDK. I like the classic better and am not even sure why.

I strongly recommend the hardware with the micro adjustment built-in. 

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  • Baller

It was a bold move and I didn't get up seven times in a row 😀
I was down in SC skiing with a former pro and was quite embarrassed.  He assured me it happens all the time but I didn’t feel any better.  At least my arms are longer now!  
@Horton, I should have consulted someone smarter than me. But now I’m going for it.  Probably a step back to take two steps forward!!  

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  • Baller

Thanks for all of the advice!

I’m at Bennett’s this week and going to demo a Vapor boot to see how it feels. 

for the release, I’m leaning towards getting an MOB for my truck (to stop getting hit in the shin!), and moving the newer Reflex release on that to my slalom 

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  • Baller

I was able to try the Vapor Boot at Bennett's today, and although it was very comfortable, it was a very large change from the SuperShell, and I felt like I had less control. 

I've decided I'm going to stick with a SuperShell and Reflex release for slalom, and may try out that MOB for trick. 

So my last decision is whether to go direct connect, or stay with the SuperShell 9.0. Pricing is within $40, so I'm still not sure what will be right. I guess maybe the newer one?

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