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  • Preferred boat
    2016 Nautique 200
  • Home Ski Site
    Emma Lake Water Ski Club
  • Real Name
    Shane Garner
  • Ski
    2018 Radar Pro Build
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  1. @ski6jones which model do you have?
  2. Eagle; but it is getting old and I will replace it in the winter. Not sure with what yet, kind of leaning towards a Stokes.
  3. @Brooks I would also be interested in a 65" if you made one.
  4. Thanks for all the advise everyone. I think I am going to try the Camaro top. It sounds like I will not be disappointed!
  5. @pgmoore I am also a fellow Canuck water skier and looking at the Blacktec top. I am interested in the Camero. Is it difficult to take on and off? Does it ride up on you from the bottom? Any advise on fit or longevity would be greaty appreciated. Thanks!
  6. @C5Quest I have skied a 66” Lithium in the past. Tried all sorts of different Fin and binding setting. I just couldn’t get it to turn. I am not sure if it is the length, flex or just generally improving my overall technique which allows me to run a shorter ski with more success. I have never had issues in the past generating speed so the shorter ski has allowed me to turn with more ease. I have always read to ski the longest ski possible that you can turn. Through trial and error it is a 65”. I am glad you are having success with your ski. It is great to hear people improving their slalom skiing and loving the sport at the same time. I wish you nothing but the most success this season!
  7. @C5Quest I am using long and shallow. My ski size is a 65”. I am about 5’8” 142lbs. Yes it is a great ski. I previously had a 2017 65” Pro Build and I am enjoying this one more.
  8. 6th set on my 2018 Pro Build and I ran a 3 buoy PB. The people at Radar have created a wonderful ski. I would always get hung up at 4@32 in the past; on my 2018 I ran the pass on my second attempt. I hope this trend continues!! The fin and binding are stock.
  9. I have a Pro Build and mine started doing the same thing. I contacted radar and they handled the situation right away. It was all taken care of in less than 4 hours from my initial email. So easy to deal with; they will make it right!
  10. Thanks for the responses, I appreciate it!
  11. @eddie_roberts_jr Is there any advantage of going to a smaller ski?
  12. @eddie_roberts_jr Skied a 66" Vapor Lithium this past summer. Going to upgrade to the Pro next summer. I am currently 5'8" and fluctuate between 138-142 lbs in the summer. I ski 28 off regularly @36mph. Would you recommend sticking with the 66" or would it be beneficial to go down to a 65"? Thanks!
  13. I recently purchased a Blacktec 2.0 and skied in 54 water today. Toasty warm the whole set. Would have done a second if I had more time.
  14. @richfoster I am about the same size, I am 5'8" and about 145lbs. If you make the change to a smaller ski I would be interested on hearing how your transition goes. Please share!
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