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Posts posted by MillerTime38

  1. @skispray it’s been a minute since I have been on the water but from what I remember it’s a combination of staying in a strong position behind the boat and then at the time of edge change advancing your left hip forward while maintains pressure with your right arm. If you don’t stay strong behind the boat into the second wake it is very difficult to accomplish because the boat has taken control. When you advance your left hip forward it will automatically cause your right shoulder to roll away from the boat. Also key is right arm pressure, don’t pull With or bend your right arm Just keep your upper body moving outbound and feel more like you are pushing your right arm down
  2. @Golfguy 60,000 flu deaths this flu season which is about average for a flu season......

    No chance of me going to nationals this year due to living in japan but also no chance of me coming back to states to visit my family or my family coming to visit us in japan cause the US is a shit show right now.

  3. @Rednucleus while we skied we put covers over the car seats (Milk snobs) and took every precaution (like not using a 5 year old handle or rope). We obviously used common sense and didn’t go out looking for an extra half buoy while having kids in the boat. Did you have a shock tube on when the rope broke and hit your kid?


    @jordanh the kids were probably around 10 or 11 lbs and we only kept them in jackets while driving out to course and between sets because like you said the jackets were pretty uncomfortable for them. Trust me my wife is a professional worrier and she was actually able to relax and enjoy the time on the water

  4. @6balls thoughts and prayers for you and everyone on the front line fighting this. I just hope everyone passes along the info you are sharing here and people take this serious. I know everyone wants to get back to life as normal (myself included) but this pandemic is nothing to take lightly.
  5. @The_MS believe it or not baseball is huge in japan, and they get tens of thousands of fans and it is a really great atmosphere (way better than any professional event in the states, except maybe hockey)

    @BraceMaker at least they are trying, since you are an expert educate them next time ??‍♂️

  6. @6balls have any of you that feel like you are military been in the military? Don’t get me wrong I appreciate and respect everything you all are doing but once this is contained it’s life back normal, surrounded by friends and family a little different than military life ??‍♂️
  7. @Rednucleus you have a very valid point with masks. The country of japan has relatively controlled the spread and is it a coincidence that wearing masks is a VERY common practice over here? Even before this virus, it was common to see 30-40% of the population wearing masks out in town, it wasn’t because they were afraid of catching anything, they just don’t want to spread their germs. Now it’s more like 95-100% wearing masks
  8. living on a military base you get to see first hand how this can escalate into a HUGE problem, once a ship is compromised it impacts the ships readiness which in turn impacts that ships ability to do its job, protect you. One of the shipmates in Japan contracted the virus while on leave back on the states and luckily he was quarantined when returning back to japan so hopefully the virus hasn’t spread among the ship. If it has it could impact the entire 7th fleet. Ships pull back into port but people can’t leave the boat to visit their families (who they haven’t seen for months) because of the risk of the corona virus. I understand people’s concern about the economy but we are dealing with something much larger than an economy,


    **update no so lucky now the 1 case has turned into several cases in 24 hours...

  9. I am currently living just outside of Tokyo, it’s crazy over here, entire cities are cancelling public events and trying to restrict any large gatherings. All the schools in the country have closed until the second week of April. Last I checked there was 250 cases here, considering a population of 125 million that is 2 people per million. Yesterday on the train i was the only person not wearing a mask, they were probably thinking stupid American ??‍♂️


    The dangerous part of it is that you could be infected but not show any symptoms, so it doesn’t put you in any danger but people surrounding you could be at risk.

  10. I don’t see anything wrong with @Horton questioning the call based on the video provided and wanting to see the “Better video” that may or may not exist.


    We all know Regina is the GOAT and there will probably never be another like her, but I wonder if it was a different skier if the record would have been approved with the video in this thread.

  11. What’s the average cost per round at a L/E/R event? Probably $60 per round? So I guess an additional $20 per round isn’t asking too much. So 30-40 skiers gets the promo guy around $1400 incentive to bring a boat for a two round tourney. At most 3 promo boats there so about $500 per promo guy


    After 2nd thought, how does this money get issued to the promo guys? Would it be considered taxable income the way it is being proposed?

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