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Posts posted by Porkfight

  1. A guy I used to free ski with growing up is going with me on a river trip next month and wants to ski again. He's 6'4" 245 lbs and says he had success on his uncle's Connelly Big Daddy in recent years. I told him that ski was not allowed on my boat. He was an aggressive skier in his day but struggles with get ups (behind a generic 4.3L V6 powered runabout). Since I have other friends in the same weight range who want to learn to ski, I just bought a used 71" 2013 HO Triumph. It should be perfect for him at 30-32 mph.
  2. On, I was pulling a friend behind her own '81 Stars and Stripes Mastercraft on the Parker Strip at about 8 am. A red Nautique G25 plowed by us in the narrow section by the island and my friend said she could see her prop from behind when we hit that wake. Clueless and careless with too much money.


    That said, several other massive boats yielded to us while we were pulling skiers throughout the weekend. There are still a few respectful boaters out there.

  3. Awesome video @Nautibynature!

    One of my childhood ski buddies is going to spend three days on the water with my family in September. I bought a used '13 Triumph for him to ride, just so there won't be any excuses. He was easily better than me when we were in our 20's, but hasn't skied much since then. We're late 30's now. Should be memorable.

  4. The TXi is pretty great if you need a boat that can occasionally be put into service as an open bow party barge but the interior isn't as modern as the others, if that's a concern. It's still very nice. Aside from the wetted surface (and, therefore, wake), the rest of the boat hasn't really changed since 2007. I spent three days behind a Carbon Pro last year and was pulled at 26 to learn the course. The wake was a tidal wave at -15, as it probably is in most boats. My tug is an '08 LXi and it doesn't feel as massive as the CP did at that pace. SN200 and Prostar were my first choice but everything I've read indicated that they have lower freeboard and aren't as good for recreational use as the Malibus. If you have flat water and money isn't a concern...used SN200 OB or Prostar. All of your options are great, though.
  5. Whoa...just saw this thread.


    I never saw the CL ad but found this course on Ski It Again. I put a deposit down on this a few weeks ago and met the seller in Parker, AZ to close the deal. It's in perfect shape and he just wanted to see it go to a good home. Coincidentally, I was going to be in Parker for a river trip anyway so everything worked out perfectly. Shipping was going to be unreal.


    I've been looking for this exact course for almost a year. Can't wait to get it in the water!

  6. Uship.com worked great for me earlier this summer when I had my RLXi shipped from IN to CA. All said and done, it cost $1,700 to be transported about 2,300 miles on a 40' flatbed trailer, excluding tip, which the guy almost didn't accept because I helped him unload the boat. (Bruce Beard is a good man!)


    Uship will try to get you to buy their insurance, but it's not necessary if the shipper has their own. Definitely make sure whoever you go with has all the necessary credentials and insurance.

  7. The guy that crashed into my fully restored 1979 Sterling semi-v while we we floating on the river, sending me, my wife and father in law diving off at the last second. His Tige with 8 people aboard was on top of my boat, completely out of the water, until mine sank. Not one person was looking forward. This happened in June. I really miss that boat. My dad bought it brand new in '79.
  8. @perkinsperkins, I recently had a boat/trailer shipped from Indiana to California on a lowboy type of trailer. It cost about $1,900. I recommend www.uship.com for that type of thing. You set up an auction and shippers bid on the job.
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