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Everything posted by makeall6

  1. @edbrazil used to love your articles in Waterski.
  2. Plenty of skiers in ours. Great site but weed control is a problem. We have folks come in and treat it with chemical. Expensive and I now have extra body parts.
  3. Here's to the government for building the interstate system in the 50's. When the dirt came out, water had to go in.
  4. Almost whitecaps at our site last night, then I see this.
  5. Someone told me that I can set crew weight at 220 and leave it there all summer. Others have said that I should change it with different people in the boat. We have a bit of a short setup on one end. Any thoughts?
  6. Thanks for all the info ToddL. This site has re-ignited my stoke for the sport.
  7. Thanks Jordan. So hard to get that handle down on my off-side. I will work on it tonight. Thanks again.
  8. Thanks MISkier. Most likely purchase the $159 upgrade. No magnets and course mapping, correct?
  9. Al, I think my son, Ryan Whaley, helped you install your course on the river when he was a student at BG. And, thanks to all for the great tips! I am from Sandusky. Skied a few sets with Ron in Whitehouse years ago.
  10. I am addicted to this site. Great people. I am 63 years old, ski at 32mph and get into 28 once in a while. My bad side turn is horrible as you can see. Any thoughts that could help me would be great. Just upgraded to a D3 Nomad my son gave me. The video has me skiing on a D3 X5. Love the Nomad. 2004 Nautique with Star Gazer. I would really appreciate any tips. I have love this sport since my first ride behind an American Skie in 1986. here is the Vimeo link ... http://vimeo.com/greendoormediaworks/review/72766402/ca2866cf1f Cheers, Tom
  11. Thanks MISkier, That answered my question perfectly. Love this site.
  12. Very new to this site and really enjoy it. Quick question. I have just been reading about the PP upgrade to Zbox. I currently have a 2004 Nautique with Star Gazer. We no longer travel to tournaments and only ski at our site. I am 63 and at times get into 32off at 32mph. My sons get into 35off regularly and ski at 34mph. What benefit would the upgrade give to us if any? Thanks to all. Best, Tom
  13. Thanks everyone for all of the help. Really appreciate it. This is a great site and I am hooked. Too bad summer is going so fast here in northern Ohio.
  14. Tired of breaking at the waist. Need some help. Just joined the site, very nice. I am a left foot forward skier, D3 X-5 and cannot stop reaching down to the ball on 2 and 4. Never changed fin, just took off wing and that helped. What can I do to fix the problem? 32 MPH and I have run 28 a few times. Any help would be appreciated.
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