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  1. I bought a 67 Goode XTR team this past August at Nationals. I really like the ski. Stock fin and bindings right out of the box.
  2. XTR Team, loving it!
  3. John, here you go. Ski flipped over.https://share.icloud.com/photos/035RKMQWU1OwyxdtqUkyIsS8w
  4. https://share.icloud.com/photos/01a1Du8hyKdvp-PKLw-w9XPtQ John, here is a picture of my works 02 tail.
  5. https://share.icloud.com/photos/029ENgbZyFuKMm3R7LiUuKmhg Here is a 28 off 34 mph pass from tonight.
  6. All, I followed Rob’s fin and binding advice. I will experiment some more. I skied tonight and liked the way the ski felt, rolled on edge better, felt more stable in turns. I am currently at front binding 29 7/8, dft .786, depth at 2.490. Length still stock 6.840. I ski at 34 mph, stock wing is 9, I read someone on BOS, dropped wing to 8 because they ski at 34. I may try that.
  7. Rob, thanks. I posted a video of me skiing on givego for you to critique. I appreciate your input!
  8. Bump…anyone trying/liking any other fin/boot settings other than stock?
  9. I have been riding an HO works 02 for about 3 weeks now. I am coming off a 2018 Goode XTR. I really like the works 02, easier to generate cross course speed, Carry’s speed through the turn better and finishes turn better. I am riding a 67, I am currently using stock binding and fin settings. Has anyone tried a binding and fin setting they liked? Please share.
  10. I demo’d a works 02 in late January from Performance Ski. I am a mid 35 off tournament skier. I have been riding an XTR for the past 4 years. I hadn’t skied in a couple of months. I skied 3 sets on the works 02. I thought the ski turned as well as my Xtr. I thought it was faster across course with less effort. I will be purchasing the 02 when I start skiing again this spring.
  11. I demo’d the works 02 this winter for 3 sets. I have been riding an XTR for 4 years. I thought the works 02 turned as well at the Xtr. I felt the work 02 was faster cross course with less effort than the xtr. I am buying an 02 this spring.
  12. I bought the new masterline handle guard this spring. They have hit a home run with this product. Easy to install, more importantly it holds up well being dragged down the course at 36mph after you fall. I would recommend to anyone.
  13. I had the best set of my season so far after listening to the perfect path podcast. Thank you Trent and Chris, I look forward to listening every week!
  14. I have been skiing on a 67" D3 Arc-s for about one summer. My settings are what Horton recommended on his ski test. Depth 2.474, Length 6.940, dft .777 (slot), wing 9, binding 30.125. I am 5'11 190 lbs. I regularly get into 35 off in practice and tournaments. I am curious what other settings ballers are using on this same ski? I would like to experiment and looking for some recommendations.
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