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Posts posted by wtrskior

  1. @Fehlindra what is your skiing ability and how much do you ski? That is a lot of skis to try.


    Looking at where you have the bindings on the vapor, possibly too far forward.


    The vapor should turn your offside money. The 16 vapor comes around and back under the rope like no other ski I've tried and I know others that could never get the 14-15 vapor to turn but they were d3 skiers...





  2. Fuel is only 1 factor in emissions. The USA in total emits roughly 5.5 billion metric tonnes of CO2. The US military from what I can gather is around 70M..... But they are no longer going to be except from global targets with the recent paris climate talks.


    I digress though; there is no market for it and we need to look at reducing costs not increasing. The number of ski boats, or pleasure boats for that matter is immaterial in the grand scheme of things. With DI tech where it is now, even better, but I'm hearing the fuel economy is really no different, if not worse in some cases - can anyone confirm?

  3. @Jody_Seal excuse my skepticism but can you provide a link to those requirements?


    The EPA regs I've researched in the past only indicate that you can't install aftermarket catalytic converters on these boats. Most 1988 boats would be straight pipes anyways; just repower to OEM.


    Frankly I don't really see an issue as the old boats are pretty simple. short and long blocks are readily available from the aftermarket, as are trannys and holley carbs, all at very reasonable prices. The rest of the equipment is pretty straight forward as well. I don't easily fall for the fear mongering so you'll have to elaborate..

  4. the site of the 2015 worlds in Chapala Mexico is said to be very slippery. Most trickers used gloves and skiers did some other things to make their grip more sticky. Apparently the site skis well, but very different from what most of us are used to. Hoping to get down there in the next few years to test for myself!
  5. @Horton you back read all those TW posts and got the itch to starta new business venture? I recall there being more back and forth, outright threats and whatnot made on the Nicols board, but some here too. I digress... lawsuits for not selling the handle guard lmao! PANDA TIME


    He would have people think his piece of plastic cured cancer. suckas

  6. Nobody I ski with uses a shock tube. Been years since I've seen one. Don't see people pop the handle as much either. Possibly because as @Edbrazil says, the ropes are that much better quality?


    @Orlando76 don't see an issue with no life jacket on an 10lb-15lb baby. It should never leave the arms of the parent.

  7. @nicad the Mielzinski girls don't waterski competitively any longer unfortunately. Have wateskied with them years back. I remember watching the younger one rip up the course at about age 6. She domin8ted and obviously does on the slopes as well. small world the ski world is!
  8. Get him some coaching before bad habits really set in and he spends 25 years trying to undo them! Doh! In person is best as you can feel what the different tips are doing and get instant feedback. Video yourself and analyze compared to the pros.


    There are a few 15 off vids on youtube, Horton has some. Seth stisher has a few I believe as well. Watch those and compare vs shortline.


    The biggest thing that will help progress outside of time on the water is understanding what is going on out there; the theory behind it, the science. Everything coaches say will make more sense once you understand why they're telling you xyz. Some are able to communicate that theory clearly and simply and relate it to what you specifically need to work on out there.


    Have fun!



  9. @Orlando76 we all have a different path in this sport. It can be overwhelming at times, regardless of your buoy count.


    I was in your boat, I started skiing the course 9 years ago after not skiing for 5 years. I had dabbled when I was a teenager but like most big lake skiers, also dabbled in a other waters ports


    I think you should free ski more to work on body position without buoys. They will come. . Make 20 turns instead of 4...Try some different coaches but there is no magic bullet!

  10. I think you need to set higher goals...


    At your age you should be focusing on getting up to 34. You have like 30 years before it ages down to 32... regardless of tournament skiing or not.


    I don't find skiing at 32 nearly as much fun as 34. The ski feels stuck in the mud. Perhaps a wider ski wouldn't, but I digress. Bump the speed up. If youre getting nowhere at 32, go from 30 to 31, 31.5, etc


    No harm in cutting the rope but you will be much further away from 28/34 of you don't get used to the faster speed's.


    Free ski at 35mph. Free ski at short ropes,


    Spend some money on coaching. You're in Orlando for God sakes!

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