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Posts posted by wtrskior

  1. Surprised nobody posted yet. I found the breakdown simple and accurate from my experiences. I typically go B2 because when zo came out it was the default and I wasn't at a level where I really noticed the changes.


    Love to hear what some more experienced skiers have to say.


    I also find it interesting he didn't spend much attention to it until recently.

  2. @rawski I don't get why people put towers like that on ski boats. the rope will run up at least close to it at shortline.


    its ugly too... The small swoop towers that use the curve of the windshield frame look decent and do not get in the way

  3. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but zika is showing up in many areas, and the "zika mosquito" is all over. I have travelled to a number if infected" areas recently and it's been much bigger in the media then locally. An area of Miami had started to outbreak buy that was months ago. If you are pregnant or soon to be then its going to be tough to find a warm climate that doesnt have some risk of zika.



  4. Brooks is moving out west to work for radar but Travis moye is at thr boarding school to pull skiers and he posted recently he will have some pros stop by until they find Brooks full time replacement. It's a bit of a hike from Disney though


    I'd also recommend drew ross, Thomas degasperi and jodi fisher all very close to disney

  5. So i entirely disagree that reflex should be used for "any" ability as the release setting is only 1 component of safety. The OP is just looking to run the course, not 34mph or 22off or 38off...


    From reflex:



    @Waternut no chance your most damaging falls are at long line and slow speed, unless you are still there and have yet to experience max speed and shortline! The water is harder and the pull stronger as the boat speed up and the rope shortens. The difference is that newer skiers do fall more but at 26 to 30mph where you are to learn there is nowhere near the force on your body.


    The fact the reflex system requires much more attention and maintenance also is a reason a newer skier should look elsewhere. I've seen so many guys on reflex of many abilities with loose tow bars and positioning screws and on setting's that either pre release or don't release even after much testing. You need to focus on skiing not high end equipment maintenance or setup at the early stages.


    Ho now sells the syndicate boot; which is the same basic system as reflex; why didn't they call it the "freeride" boot? Or the "cx boot"?. It's targeted at the syndicate skier; the high end course skier and for a reason.


    Many newer soft boot systems share the release characteristics of a slip on shoe but are also more comfortable, easiet to get on/off and you don't need soap compared to rubber and almost no maintenance.


    @Deanoski you used them from 28 & 30mph long line up to 38off? Reread the OP, his goal is to run the sLalom course not 38off or even 34mph...


    @gmut I also disagree that a wiley is what a newer skier wants, unless they are custom build single overlay low wrap and easy to get on/off. A radar prime or ho freemax open toe soft shell will offer support comfort and safety at this level.


    You guys need to read between the lines of what the posters are requesting and tear ability. I can't believe the recommendation's here.



  6. I said it in another thread, the reflex bindings are not designed for a new skier. I do not believe they are safer and in fact can be more dangerous as Horton points out than a traditional rubber or newer soft shell system which are designed entirely for waterskiing.


    Reflex is an adapted alpine touring binding with a fixed toe loop, there is zero release from a backward fall. I would never put a new skier in one.


    I also don't see how you really gaining any kind of advantage in terms of support when you need to be flexible at your ankle and to feel how the ski reacts in the water.


    Senate is a great ski but I think for another year until you ski more the p6 is better having more floatation at lower speeds.

  7. I have never used a hardshell but see them as a more advanced system. Starting out find something more forgiving IMO. Not only that but you want a boot that will release more easily as a more novice skier. The problem with this in waterskiing is you then run into pre release issue's.


    In alpine ski racing a common drill we used to do was remove the upper cuff on our boots from the lower shell; you need to really focus on your core and leg muscles and rely less on the boots to keep you in your skiing position. There is crossover here to waterskiing



  8. He ran 3@41 in the euro championship this year which tied Tgas for the best score in the tournament. we all know what tgas can do on a ski... but for some reason some fairly high ranking officials cast inuenduos as to the legitimacy of his skiing. Ridiculous.


    If there are records set, let there be appropriate evidence, otherwise who cares.


    @Chef23 I'd say sledgehammer has a good shot at the overall record. He is about as good a tricker and a way better slalom skier than jaret, just needs to add some distance to his jumps.




  9. I cringe at stuff like this. Unless you are a very accomplished skier (and even then I still cringe but hold back saying anything), messing around with out of date, non-production, custom brewed bindings is a recipe for, at the very least non-productive skiing... likely worse.


    Contact the 3 or 4 independent binding manufacturers and explain your story and buy one of their products, then focus on your skiing.



  10. @mwetskier you don't disagree then. It's impossible to stop a wave, to a certain point you cannot have enough horizontal plane to make for perfect wave entenuation. It would requiem too much land and not enough depth. A concrete wall as @OldboyII suggests stops the wave entirely but that won't work in this application because you'll get the bounce back bathtub effect.


    The waves force is below the surface, hence why shorelines have a certain ratio of height to length. At a certain point the height doesn't matter due to the size of the waves ski boats create. The more water is displaced by a boat the deeper the attenuation device has to be.


    This is why I do not believe a tire wall will work that well. You will stop some of the wave but you will also have more backwash into the body the wave was created in.

  11. Im no engineer, but in order to actually remove the waves force you need to stop the water from moving. This can't be accomplished with a floating type system, unless perhaps it is designed like an iceberg where most of the structure is actually below the waters surface..


    The water will still be moving below the tires, barrels, etc.


    To separate a lake so you can run 2 boats at once, the lake will act more and more like a bathtub IMO. Id think it would be helpful for low wake applications such as spearing a cable park where it's just wake from the boards, no boat and from the boat lae to the cable park. My 2



  12. It's really close. Very hard to judge if he is still in skiing position at the buoy line IMO, so I cant say for sure the judges got it wrong. Better video quality would help. Or some type of actual grid they could use to determine if he crossed the line. The pic below os from jasons site.


    Also as I understand the rules jmac posted there is interpretation whether he could have maintained control at that point. As you watch the actual video before that point it appears he would not be able to, with his weight and momentum taking him down. However, he rounded 2 buoy, whether he can get to 3 ball is not material.





  13. @matthewbrown nope never been, but I'd love to go. If there was a ski school I'll buy a ticket tomorrow. Looks to be about 2hrs from lax and the biggest city in the US in rush hour traffic.


    I assume you can ski September to June? Maybe minus January? Orlando is colder and windier isn't it? Cheaper and they have a mouse but socal has a mouse too..


    I see @Hortons photos including the "wind" photo he recently posted where there was barely a ripple on the water. We call that "texture" where I'm from.


    I count 11 lakes + 2 being dry. please elaborate as to why there is no for profit public skiing there?


    Looks like mecca to me. Just My 2 cents






  14. @Justin_C that is the newer multi line display so it could have stargazer easy upgrade of the master module and a go's puck anyways.


    @Bill22 if it doesn't have a paddle wheel then taking the tach out is the right move as pp has the rpm (as seen in the photo) but no speed.


    Looks like a clean boat they are awesome tow boats!

  15. - O'Brien bandit. My first slalom that got me hooked and still have it for my son when he's ready, only ski I've ever kept

    - HO A2 '11. Still have my pb on it, I don't think I could run the same buoys on it now, was aggressive and I ski smarter now!

    - green vapor. Will never sell this ski.

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