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Everything posted by Ski_Dad

  1. we love our sunsetter LXI - great slalom wake for the 15-22 off skiers in my boat. I agree that price is high - i paid less for a 2003 with 400 hours a few years ago. With that many hours I would want to see a compression check and see numbers at least 160 PSI per cylinder. They had 4 engines choices so that makes a difference. I would also want to see some maintenance records
  2. I don't think the sportster has the diamond hull, so my gut feeling is the MC will ski a little better. Can you ski the boat before you buy it ?
  3. OK, so my oldest tried the CX on saturday. He was instantly ripping some turns said he loves it !! He said it cuts so much better than his old ski and smooth
  4. love both of my vector boots - so comfortable - i have a 2015 and the 2019 version and the new is even better. I run a RTP as well. Nothing wrong with the prime though just a little lower cuff and a little less stiff is my guess.
  5. Radar also makes the Union which is the same size as the Theory.
  6. @Rednucleus @allycat - That's interesting - my 2014 TX is based on the Triumph - it was a unique ski b/c it was basically the triumph with the speed skin added. In 2015 they changed the TX shape to be like the CX with the clean edge. I definately have had a hard time with starts and I didn't expect that b/c it's a pretty big ski. I have thought about getting a newer TX to see how it is compared to this one.
  7. Dear All, I just want to thank you all for the awesome advice. I was a little nervous to post about my issue, but after all of your helpful comments I feel like I can do this !
  8. @KRoundy - I'm about 225 give or take the time of year. I do let the boat pull me over the front of the ski when getting up. I didn't fight it last night and used the easy up handle (mostly b/c my arms were sore) Desided to just have fun last night and rest my arms. you are right about the throttle - i need progressive throttle but a decent amount. I have no prayer if someone hammers it - which is tricky in my boat b/c the prop i have on it is pretty hot compared to some of my friends boats. i will remember about pointing my toes - i really beleive the mistake I was making this year was pushing on my back foot - for some reason that was working for me last year about 2 seconds in the pull but I need to quit that altogether. my motto - "It's me, not the ski" - ha ha
  9. @Orlando76 - that's cool you had the same ski. It's a fun ski ! I actually picked up this one brand new old stock for dirt cheap - i spent more money on the bindings - ha ha. i think I prefer more throttle as well
  10. @Chef23 - actually yes I did - i had a 2015 Vector and RTP on it last year and got the 2019 versions this year. The new Vector Boa is awesome BTW. @BraceMaker @UWSkier - I think I'm pushing too much with rear foot, I will see how it goes tonight
  11. @75Tique - my dad always got up that way - I guess it's worth a shot. I think i might need a different RTP - this radar is hard to slide your foot into all the way once it's wet.
  12. @Chef23 - I believe you are right, how do you find it easiest to do that ?
  13. Hi All, The last few years I was on a 69" Radar P6 - I'm a bigger guy, but deep water starts were a breeze on that ski. Last fall I picked up a 69" HO TX - Love the ski once I'm up, but was having trouble getting up on it with my normal handle. No problem with an easy up handle. Toward the end of the season I had several successful ups with my normal handle so I thought I had it figured out. Fast forward to this year I cannot get up on that bad boy without an easy up handle :/ The ski is large enough, so I'm guessing that my technique is just not there and somehow my old ski was allowing me to cheat a little. When I miss the start with my regular handle it's not because I'm falling to the side, it's because the ski will start plowing and I pop the handle. I use a RTP and i get up with both feet in. Not opposed to double boot if that will help me.
  14. @BraceMaker - a friend I ski with with bought it for the busy days at his big lake. I'm sure it's great once you spend more time on it, just felt different compared to my HO TX.
  15. @On_edge - that's great info - i was hoping for that ! That right there is going to justify my expense because I ski with a bunch of differnet drivers
  16. i've skied the hovercraft twice this year - it's super easy to get up on but I didn't feel comfortable at 25 mph - i think that ski is more meant for 20 mph. You might consider the Radar Union or Connelly Aspect
  17. Still have Classic but thinking about Stargazer again -have some friends with ver 8.05. Does anyone know what's changed in 9.2 - and can you change the slalom set point with less button presses now ?
  18. hours are no big deal, but I think that price is a little high with it not having Perfect Pass installed ?. Maybe you can use that as a bargaining piece. Love my LS1.
  19. i'm pretty sure it won't fit the rear - the FF holes are for Radar - although you can drill holes in the nylon, i did it for one my HO skis but it's kind of a hack job at best.
  20. i did the same - shined it up and gave it as a gift for a friend to hang up in the man cave.
  21. me too, skiing tomorrow - same in ohio - but it's a tad better than last year
  22. Eric knows his stuff. here are a few more options for you - you didn't say if you trick in a course or not. https://www.hydrophase.com/ridesteady https://www.hydrophase.com/classic if you find an older system that you want to add GPS to paddlewheel input http://nauticlaugic.com/Products.html
  23. 6.5NG locks in quickly on my boat. I have a friends who also has a malibu with 8.5 and you have to be careful to not overshoot the throttle, if I back off as soon as he is up it locks in fine. Sounds like they have fixed that in 9.
  24. Do you guys think this is a big improvment over the old 6.5NG ? i don't ski in the course, but I'm tempted to upgrade for cool factor.
  25. in my ski group we have a 1994 205 and a 197 (not sure of the year) - I prefered the softer wake on the 205 at 15 off. Doesn't seem to be an issue for the short line skiers. But I have to say the 197 is one of the sharpest boats ever made.
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