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Everything posted by JJVDMZN

  1. Thank you everyone for the advice, I used silver polish (aka Brasso here in South Africa) and then some car wax on the top. The ski looks as good as new.....
  2. How much force (G's) are exerted on your body through the course (PB run), and when is it the highest?
  3. @skier2788, how did you solve the oxidation on your Elite? I bought my son a 2nd hand Elite and have the same oxidation. You're right, it is a beautiful ski.
  4. @ampacdan, Lots of fur on the 3rd ski, must be from the hippy era.....
  5. @Amoore, I'm using the sidewider on a Connelly V, lost the lever that pushes the binding's heel up. Connelly replaced the binding under warranty. To prevent a re-occurance, I tethered the lever with stainless steel cable/trace (the ones fishermen uses) and attached it to the screw attaching the binding to the ski.
  6. @chrisrossi, would it be right to say that in the stacked position the ski will spay water towards the boat from the ball to the center of the wake and then with edge change after the wake center, the ski will spray water away from the boat increasing in intensity as you "smear" approaching the ball?
  7. @Gyoung,I'm currently also learning the course, what I do is ignore the entry gate, and go straight to 1 Ball, I can then turn earlier and reach 2, 3 etc, once I can achieve all six balls then I'll put my attention on the entry gate.
  8. Get rid of the left gate buoy at 1 & right gate buoy after 6, which means that you have to enter the course within (left of) buoy 0 and exit right of buoy 7 I'm a beginner and find the gates very daunting / narrow but if the left gate buoy wasn't there, I would have my attention on the right and try to cut as close to the right.
  9. @skier2788 I would use a car wax. The ski will get a protective layer from the wax. P.S. Don't wax the bottom!
  10. @Dusty & @Horton, Wouldn't it better to bring the speed down to say 45km/h instead of 55km/h and shorten the rope, just to get the basics of the turn right and then increasing the speed again? I'm doing the same as @Rez (Riding the tail 18m at 45km/h). BTW last week was the first time that I used a slalom course, (only the inner beginner buoys) and I'm in awe and envy of the guys that's running the course at 55 & 58km/h. The slalom course bug has bitten.......
  11. @slalomboy96, does Goode have an agent in NZ?
  12. @slalomboy96, looks like you dropped the ski on your big toe as well...
  13. @Brewski, sell it as"Vented panty fronts" we will send you templates of our "panties". I'm new in Slalom skiing so the first pic I saw looked like kinky undies, only noticed later that it fits on the handle...
  14. @kmenard thanks for tip on getting someone else to teach the kids. We joined a club and the guys there are very helpful, the boys have already tried the course, as for me I'm a bit anxious.
  15. That, after skiing for 30years, I know absolutely nothing about Slalom skiing, but thanks to Ballofspray I'm going to improve.
  16. @scuppers would you recommend a wing for a beginner, or is it better to get into slalom without it?
  17. Thanks Lucas, I think it's time for me to become the guinea pig.
  18. Thanks gregy, I was looking at the Connelly V, with sidewinder Front and Rear bindings, but noticed that it is wider than the GT. What effect will the wider ski have? My wife's ski is an O'Brien G2 Weapon and she tried the Connelly V (sidewinder + RTP), she says the V does not want to turn as easily as the G2 (it feels as if the ski wants to counter her turn), maybe an adjustment to the fin will make it more responsive, any suggestions. At this moment she is the guinea pig........
  19. 30mph (48km/h) & 15 off, I've never tried a slalom course (none available in my area).
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