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Posts posted by pgmoore

  1. "In the end no one ever got the Lithium version and said "Gosh I wish I had the Granate version"


    @Horton - That's good insight, for sure! What about the opposite... for 32/34mph and 15/22/28 off, do you think people buy the Graphite Senate and say, "I sure wish I had spent 70% more for the Lithium version." Or is the benefit only noticeable at shorter line lengths?


  2. Had a great phone call with Brenda today. She spent nearly 40 minutes with me making sure that I was getting exactly the right rope and handle. It was incredible. I don't even have the product in my hands and I'm already very impressed.


    I ended up going with the following:

    Slalom Mainline: 15'-39.5' with an extra loop between 22' and 28'

    Team 12" (1.00) Spectra Handle with Cross Bar: strung up rope exposed around the grommet with the short grey sleeves in dark grey spectra (main color) and neon green spectra (second color).

    Also ordered a pair of kevlar glove liners. Those will be a nice addition.


    Really excited to get my hands on this stuff. Now we just need this snow to melt!

  3. In the wintertime, I work as a ski technician with the US Ski Team. One of our athletes wrote this about doping. It's worth a read.




    Just in case you don't read it, here is the most important bit:


    Sport is defined by arbitrary rules. The race or competition is held to see who can perform best within the given guidelines. Doping in a cycling race is no different than showing up on the starting line on a motorcycle. If the athletes are not following the rules, there is no reason to hold the competition.

  4. What @Chef23‌ said... the key is not pulling the top lace too tight. That part is really important.


    Run the bottom lace as tight as you want = no problem. Pull the top lace too tight and you might break your ankle. Which is what I did.


    Follow that simple rule and you'll love the Vapor bindings.


    That being said, Vapor bindings attached to an OB4 plate is probably an even safer option. More expensive, for sure, but worth it when you consider the major buzz kill of a lost season.

  5. I'm considering a new ski for this upcoming season. Despite what is always strongly recommended, I've never tested a ski before purchasing. This year, I want to change that!


    So, for those Ballers in Alberta - where do you buy your skis in this province? Ideally, I'd like to be able to demo a few skis from a shop and then buy the one that works best.

  6. I was lucky enough to receive a gift certificate for a new In Tow rope and handle for Christmas this year. In looking a the website, the array of options available is astonishing. This truly is a custom product. I'm really excited, but what are the must haves?


    Twisted vs parallel last long line section

    12 inch vs 13 inch handle

    Rope exposed endcaps vs wedge shaped endcaps

    Spectra vs polypro

    What's the deal with the ARS handle?

    Anything else of note?



    Certainly many of these items will be strictly personal preference. But I'm curious as to people's thoughts.

  7. Having tried it, here is my take on cross fit:


    Cross fit is great if you want to get good at exercise. But it's not specific. It's not going to make you a better runner, or a better, cyclist, or a better waterskier. As a form of exercise, it's great but cross fit isn't specific enough to make you better at any one thing. Heck, even the athletes competing at the highest levels of cross fit competitions don't train by doing cross fit. They train by doing specific training.


    If you want to win at your sport (whatever that is), cross fit isn't going to make that happen. Specificity is going to make that happen.


    But if you want a form of exercise to get you off the couch that is not only brutally hard but also a ton of fun, then cross fit fits the bill perfectly!

  8. We have a 1997 MB Sports Boss 190 for which I'd like to order a bimini top over the winter. Any suggestions as to the best place to order from or best style/model to get? Bonus points if it ships from Canada (although not a requirement).



  9. I'm totally sold on OB4 and think it looks like an awesome system. But my only concern is this: @Than_Bogan‌ 's write up makes the set up process seem a bit daunting. I'm no expert when it comes to ski set up. And frankly, where I live, there aren't many experts around. Is this bleeding edge product really something I can deal with on my own?
  10. How was your year?


    Super awesome. Best ever, actually. Right up until June 30.

    What did you learn?


    Don't over tighten the top elastic on Strada bindings. Go nuts on the bottom one = as tight as you want. Run the top one loose.


    What happened?


    Crash at four-ball, avulsion fracture of the left lateral malleolus. Skiing season over. Running season over.



    But, all is not lost. Recovery is going well and cross country skiing will be here before you know it. And I'll be back in the mix on the lake next summer big time. With a loose top elastic :)

  11. Tell you what. I may live in Alberta and our season may be over (-6C in Edmonton overnight tonight). But sure as sh*t we don't have snakes in the water. And I am more than willing to live with that.


    Eff. Snakes give me the willies.

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