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Posts posted by OldboyII

  1. If I start not with weekend session but travel for skiing 7 or 10 days, for me having clincher gloves is must.

    Because it is such an upset to sit on ponton on the day #3 with fingers done and see how others ski.

    First week of the season grip is the only limiting factor for me...


    To stay in shape - uphills on mountain bike help a lot. Cardio, strength & endurance in one glass ))

  2. Thanks all who responded!

    In fact reflex option is probably the good direction to move, but I'm afraid that at the moment it looks as a bit overstatement for me - I just free ski, no short rope slalom, same like in winter time in Alps ... just fun ))


    How difficult is to detach boot mounted on dual lock?

    Does it need any instrument?


    @skialex what is "self locking nuts" in this context and how to use this?




  3. Hello everyone.

    I need to mount/unmount front boot every time I travel, because ski with boot does not fit to my sportube 1.

    Would it make sense to use velcro instead of screws?

    How many mount/unmount cycles it can stand and how easy it is in use?

    Last time I destroyed head on one screw in rush 30 minutes before leaving to airport and had terribly hard time ))

    Since then thinking about screw-less system!

    Could you give an advise?

  4. In the same situation, few years ago after injury, my choice was spin-bike.

    Using LeMond Revmaster Pro


    1Mil % reliable, needs nearly zero maintenance ( just few drops of oil to leather brake pad a week)

    Minimum electronics, also could be used in 100% mechanical mode -all you need is heart beats monitor (smartwatch eliminate this issue :smile: ).

    Before I got electronics block I used Mavic velo comp for cadence control.

    Yes, I may by not cheap stuff, but u get absolutely immortal device that may by used for ages.



  5. In the same situation, few years ago after injury, my choice was spin-bike.

    Using LeMond Revmaster Pro


    1Mil % reliable, needs nearly zero maintenance ( just few drops of oil to leather brake pad a week)

    Minimum electronics, also could be used in 100% mechanical mode -all you need is heart beats monitor (smartwatch eliminate this issue :smile: ).

    Before I got electronics block I used Mavic velo comp for cadence control.

    Yes, I may by not cheap stuff, but u get absolutely immortal device that may by used for ages.



  6. @TallSkinnyGuy very nice survey,

    in any sport we amateurs often uprgade our equip to the level which we cannot handle.

    There are lot of pro & contra for going one level down. It is very personal.

    I am very beginer, only free skiing.

    I upgraded my HO Triumph to Goode XT and felt as you say like on banana peel. Little by little I got used for new ski and started to have fun of its agility. Couple weeks later I decided to go back to Thiumph just to compare skis. It felt increadibly stable, like on solid ground. And I had... a hardest fall in my ski life (it is on my pic.).

    Old ski made me too relaxed and over confident.

    Sinse then I put Thiumph in far corner and ski only XT, trying to do best.

    In my humble opinion if we climbed on our highest heel, the next our target should be another higher heel...


    Not like powerlifter who removed few kilos from his barbell and enjoys ease of life )

  7. How to make horse riding popular in teenagers community?

    No answer.

    How to make Porsche Carrera popular in University Campus?

    No answer.



    Price of entrance ticket to the world of water skiing is too high, imo.

    Not only about money, it is also about phisical and mental capacity of new candidates.

    Who is ready to make dozens of fails on the water start?

    90% of folks just give in after one-two days of trying saying to themselves - "well, this sport is probably not my piece of cake"

    Only few are motivated enough to go through "entrance period"



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