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Posts posted by OldboyII

  1. Which foot is our front foot is probably has more connection with our brain setup which is conncted to what we received from parents.

    I kick the ball with my right foot and Im LFF.

    My friend hits the ball with same leg but he is RFF.


    Whereas advise to push rear foot down during start is very much opposing to what I hear during my short water ski experience. When I do this tail of the ski starts plowing the water creating resistance which make deep water start nearly impossible. So I try to keep rear leg as close to butt as possible.

    Although, in the second phase of start, when ski is alpeady in the plane mode I use both legs to stand up.


  2. @Skislalom Good point.

    It is virtually impossible to make precise experiment to compare ski behaviour on cold and warm water.

    Our body and muscles and brain act differently when cold or warm.

    We ski in shorts & west when warm and in relatively "heavy" wetsuit which put some limitation on movements when cold. Baggy drysuit make it even more noticeable.

    Different skis are made from different materials and they react to temperature variations differently.


    So it may happen that what we think goes from ski in reality goes from our body.

    I hope ski makers can do lab temperature tests for their skis and give recommendations.


    What I personally noticed - in the cold water I feel more confident and agile when I have autumn jogging suit under wetsuit than when I ski in wetsuit only. Though both setups are pretty comfortable and warm.

  3. @Fehlindra Ideal stance is COM is almost over the front binding... as they say ))

    We are trying to ski with emphasis on the front leg only...

    Almost as skiing on one leg...

    Is aligment problen an issue for one legged alpine skier (excluding very severe cases)?

    Not - because (in neutral position) his body always aligned over his ski and both edges are equally on the snow. He does it by finding proper balansing his upper body over the ski.

    The most probably all what you need is to follow @Than_Bogan advice: experiment with (rotate) reag binding to the most comfortable position. Usually little toe toward edge.

    Very much IMO.



  4. Purely theoretically - two not releasable boots might be pretty safe setup.

    Hardly can cause twisted knee, ankle or achilles injury and/or hamstring problem.

    Like snowboard or wakeboard with not releasable boots.

    OTF and other kinds of falls is another story which may happen with any boot system.

    If in addition to that, if not releasable boots on releasable monoplate it is probably the very safe construction. IMO.


    On a wakeboard had problem only once - when one foot slipped out from boot and board twisted my knee.

  5. Cheap stuff wears faster.

    If you buy 150$ handle, in one year you will have 100$ worth quality handle.

    If you buy 50$ (i mean recomended retail price, not sale price) handle you will have 10$ worth handle in few weeks.


    Besides many amateurs buy quality equipment not because they are going to get all 100% of its capacity, but simply because hi-end equipment pushes us further to our persomal limits.


    by the way my pic. is result of brocken handle ))

  6. Very much depends how big you are.


    I am big with decent portion of fat and I float w/o west almost fully exhaled when swimming.

    My skinny friend when exhaled sinks like iron nail w/o west

    It is first.

    The second is that my XL Oneil Slasher has two times more foam than his S-size Slasher.

    So probably right choise of the vest is a very personal matter.



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