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Everything posted by DonT

  1. @horton....do you believe the inability to correctly call a missed gate at class c is a result judges ability or due to judging tower locations/set ups. For example, at my home lake our towers are high enough and at a location where you can tell somewhat reliably if the ski is inside, over, or outside the gate ball. On another lake where towers are more "ad hoc" the judging location is much lower to the water where the gates are obscured from the tower Judge by boat spray.
  2. I use the syndicate neo sleeve on my 69 to protect the fin. Then it goes in my radar bag with all my gear
  3. DonT

    Boat carpet glue

    If it's available on your area (i.e.banned in california) I've had great results with weldwood outdoor carpet adhesive
  4. So if this is a continuing to emerge trend - what does the rumor mill say about the Malibu Open?
  5. @Horton @chrislandy - not sure if you have access to a HO/Edge system, but the bottom plate has a different profile than the Reflex. Basically is molded in such a way that the bottom of the boot is "cradled" by the molding - at the back almost like a heal cup.
  6. taking @buechsr comments in a slightly different direction, as a boomer (ok, I acknowledge that), it used to be that youth athletes were encourage to participate in as many sports as possible - baseball, football, basketball, track, volleyball, etc. Let youth find what they like from a menu of options. There were few "elite/club sport" teams that required massive expenditures of money. I grew up in a baseball world, where it was little league, then on to american legion feeding into HS teams. Yes American Legion was a bit more money....stay with me here. Fast forward to now - or when my now mid 20's to 30 YO kids played, there are very few multi sport athletes. Youth are discouraged in playing multiple sports, but rather focus on one. Which drives the idea of elite/club teams. As an example, Soccer players are encouraged to play on club teams through the year, to the point that if you are not playing on a club team, your likelihood of playing varsity soccer is pretty much nil. This one sport focus manifested itself in our family as I had one son told when he was high school swimming that he wasn't to snow ski, but getting up in the mountains was his way of maintaining mental health. Fast forward to today and that's still true - as he took his passion for being outdoors to coaching youth as a freeride ski team coach. The idea of one sport focus, with accompanying elite/club/travel team membership coupled with the points made above where PE and School sports funding has been transferred to parents, this price tag for participation in sports (and all HS activities in general) has skyrocketed. Rather than introduce another level of government oversight - and the corresponding increase in taxes, fund the entire education system (academics, sports, extra-curricular activities) at reasonable levels offering the opportunities to all socio-economic backgrounds and focus on developing well rounded individuals that can find the sport/activity that suits them - whether it's baseball, band, theater, debate. Do this at the local level. Remember, very few youth make it from youth sports e.g. AYSO soccer to the MLS. Moving this back to a water skiing discussion, as what I would call a niche sport, local clubs/ski sites need to offer opportunities at the grass roots level to introduce youth to the sport. Take lover of water and outside beyond tubing - but to a social atmosphere where youth get together and just ski....pull the collegiate experience into earlier years. Sorry for the long winded soapbox.
  7. can't go wrong at either Rini's, Swiss or Jack Travers place
  8. I'm surprised @thager didn't get a panda for that
  9. Horton - you have probably already thought of this: I don't pretend to understand the financial model of TWBC, but if we take (granted a small number of viewers) away from the TWBC YouTube feed, does that negatively impact TWBC's financial model, and consequently driving an adverse effect to the viability of their continued broadcasts?
  10. From what I see on instagram, Jacinta is working pretty hard at the weights to get back to ski conditioning.
  11. you check the water temp of your lake - when you know it's frozen over
  12. In previous years - it helped. This last year it seemed I took a beating, even with the bent handle. I'd hate to see what a straight handle would have done
  13. @ColeGiacopuzzi if my typical handle is a 1.062 - are you thinking up or down from there?
  14. my focus this year is on hip mobility and strengthening, with the ultimate goal of being able to better get hips to handle. Tips from flowpoint (e.g. the sofa stretch) have been useful so far. The big thing I want to avoid is the tendonitis in my elbow. been trying a slew of exercises from my PT friend. Been using a bent handle for a while, but I'm always interested in other ideas.
  15. Thanks...The Source for all that is good in the world....well maybe not all, but a good portion of it.
  16. Camaro heater tops courtesy of @perfski
  17. Thanks Mike for the great service - received my Camaro gear - now need a few months for the water to turn to change from solid to liquid.
  18. Continuing this discussion for my wife. Significant disk compression at L1-L2 and L2-L3. We are taking a conservative approach with injections, decompression, core strength building and non-surgical options. That all being said, 2 level fusion will probably be in the future. For those of you that have had similar procedures, the questions become: 1. While my wife is not into shortline (now) - what was the overall outcome, time to return, and other outstanding issues? 2. Would you follow the surgery path again? 3. Any thoughts on immediate surgery, or putting it off? I understand that most here are not able to offer qualified medical opinions, but rather we are looking for general experiences. Quite often when spinal fusion is mentioned, all that is heard are the horror stories. Thanks in Advance
  19. I believe OS Systems offers this service. I'm just not sure if they work on suits that aren't of their manufacture. https://ossystems.com/repair-seals-parts/
  20. I wish I was too tall....it's just that I have short legs and a longer body 🙂
  21. only one request - tall sizes. Having a long body, most shirts end up being a belly shirt. Not a good sight.
  22. While I have no direct knowledge of what occured, my observation is that Freddie recieved his "consequences" at the time of the tournament...he was disqualified from that tournament. That should be enough. He should then be allowed to compete in this years event without respect to last year's issues. To draw a comparision to another sport - baseball, a player may be ejected (disqualified) for arguing an umpires call - but he doesn't sit out the next game. In my view, this is very similar. But, with fewer water ski tournaments compared to baseball games, the consequences are not proportional.
  23. +1 on the Carbon Omni - or even the Syndicate Omni
  24. I also love my EVO2 - highly recommend a call to them, Tom will make sure you're in the right size
  25. heading up there the first weekend in May - but it might be a bit chilly to bring the water ski, plus we're looking after our grand daughter while her father does the Spartan race. But we'll be back up there later this summer.
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