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Posts posted by LLUSA

  1. I had a MC promo for 26 years, my dealer took the boat back at my cost, unless I sold it, I kept my service pay, and my years of service rebate, usually arriving on December 15th each year. That was until the 2008 black on black MC, had to give it away, from then on I was lucky to sell each year boat at cost. The problem is were not talking about $40,000 boats anymore. If you want a new boat at your events, buy one use it and sell it every year
  2. Well the campaign is almost there, we need about $6000 to reach our goal. Jody and family are still cleaning up, insurance adjusters are backed up as you can imagine, and finding a place to live has been difficult, Hopefully he will get his boat business back up in the next few weeks, I'm not sure how much work there will be with all of this going on. I you can please donate, you never know when it's going to happen to you
  3. @MS as someone who has served his time on towboat (8 years), we have rejected boats in the past, and if it doesn't meet the standards established by AWSA they will be rejected in the future. It's pretty cut and dried whether you pass or not. What concerns me are the dealers that invested in a $130,000 boat and will be lucky to get $80,000 for one, I know one dealer who has two promos, and has the revenue to sustain the program, but taking losses is not in the game plan.
  4. I talked to Jody last night, seems his house is a total also, shop is gone, city is looking to relocate Michelle due to her city job into some type of temporary housing. This family needs help, without work, I don't really know what you do. I survived F5 tornado but it was due to help. Please give what you can.
  5. @jjackkrash don't get the school involved? I thought this was collegiate skiing? Why cut off the largest source of possible income to start with? Not that way at Bama, full support from the President on down, @"Eric Kelley" the Nautique lease will not work for collegiate due to the hours limitation, plus you can almost buy a Malibu and Mastercraft for one Nautique, I can't name a collegiate program besides maybe Rollins than runs Nautiques. Bottom line is, and I've been involved in collegiate skiing since the early 80's, you got to have money, you got to have an administration that backs you with financial aid, you've got to have a permanent site, and you've got to have someone day in day out that handles the boat transactions.
  6. I'd say I've got @Chad_Scott beat :) on grinding rudders over the years, first balance the boat, drive it, if you feel there isn't enough torque on your steering wheel, then in the same area MC has pre ground your rudder make 2-3 passes with a grinder, put the boat in the water, drive it, if it doesn't have the feel you want, pull it out and do it again. I've found that MC's are very sensitive to rudder shaving, you can easily over do it and there are ways to correct it but it's easier to take your time and get it right.
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