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Posts posted by braindamage

  1. Is there any dry land slalom machine or system that I can use to train? I'm thinking for both form and strength.


    It's getting late in the season here in WI and though I haven't put away the boat and ski, I'm looking at the Upcoming cold and thinking of prep for next season.


    A few years ago I set up a rope in my basement to practice my "stacked" form. It worked ok but was klunky and didn't really help with the timing or transitions. I have since moved and my new basement isn't really conducive to even this.


    I did a quick google search and found nothing. It seems like there would be a way to create a machine to mimic the movements for slalom and promote good form.


    I thought I'd see what comes from the collective genius of BOS!!

  2. That video is AWESONE!!


    I grew up on a lake that didn't allow a course. In high school and college my friends and I would pile into my boat in the evening (they would have it gassed, blower on, lowered into the water, cooler full of beer so after getting off work I would literally turn off my car, put on my suit, and have the boat in gear in about 3 mins).


    We would ski until 30(ish) mins after sunset, trying to make the biggest spray, get our elbows closest to the water, and ski the longest. We didn't know anything about form, it was all just trial and error.


    Then we'djust hang out on the boat drinking beer until it was dark. Then we'd slow motor home and go out to beach parties...repeat.


    Now I get up at 0-dark 30 to ski and head out with my 18 yr old son and a couple of great guys who are form technical insistent. I have learned more from them this season than all 40-some years of skiing.


    Other than that my DD Malibu spends more motor hours doing Margarita sunset cruises with my wife. That never gets old!!

  3. I have done a combination of triathlon and p90x training for the past several years. It's usually a lot more run and bike and a little strength and a little swim plus yoga 2-3x/mo. Not so great for waterski muscle build and injury prevention.


    This year I plan to run-bike-swim 1x/week each, then do 2 days strength (1-p90x like workout i created, the other waterski specific

    http://www.waterskimag.com/features/2014/06/18/how-to-slalom-strong), then yoga 2x/ week. I hope this gives me the right balance.


    I bought the supple leopard book and have the trx system, so my plan may morph.


    We'll see how this plan works and whether I have the time-energy-tenacity to do it consistently.


  4. Yep. I agree that it's tough. People get into a groove with their ski crews. A lot of factors need to align: priorities, available time, skiing goals, personality, etc.


    It would be great if there was a "find a 3rd" app that could facilitate connections.


    Keep focused on asking people to ski, be a bulldog (a really nice friendly one), and eventually you will find yourself with a consistent crew.


    What's a bigger bummer is when your consistent crew falls apart for some reason and you have to start again from scratch.

  5. Waaaay back when I had a terrible spill, hit my head on the ski and was knocked unconscious. Thankfully I floated face up! I couldn't cut at all for the rest of that season and it took me through the middle of the next before I felt good again.


    It was in my head. Is your issue physical or mental?

  6. Learn to get up on one ski.


    I've lost countless drops. We used to pick up wood skis at yard sales so we always had 2-3 extras in case we lost one.


    Best way is to add weight to the back fin so the ski floats vertical.

  7. I can do drag-single leg or both feet in just as easy with my rtp. I drag cuz it's less energy for me. My son always starts with both feet in.

    My brother tore his hammy last summer dragging his rear leg. He may be forever done with skiing.

  8. I think it's too much too soon. Shock the body and it rebels. The goal of the body is to maintain at it's higest level of fatness.


    The reason this doesn't work is that its a short term shock. The body adjusts and he stays stuck. You have to ease into this as a life change not a weight loss plan.


    My advice-start slow with small changes. No more than 5-10% change in calories or exercise in any week. Don't be militant and live life a bit but don't use as an excuse to be crazy either. Every month or so relax for a week. Again, don't go crazy but give yourself a break.


    Over time you get into a groove and figure out how much of what foods you can consume and you continually increase the intensity, resistance, or duration of exercise and make sure you have lots of variety.


    If you do this continually then within a couple of years you will be in the shape you want and you will want to live this way.


    My .02c

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