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Posts posted by texas_slalom_trick

  1. @Than_Bogan l did thanks so much. It was my 4th nationals, and for the past three years my mom and I have left my dad and older brother at home because he has two adays starting the same day a nationals. I ended up eight! So happy, because I was seeded tenth. I am starting my last year in south central region b2. So sad.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've always loved the turnpike lake because it runs so much slower than what I have in Texas.

  2. '08 216 "sport nautique" limited edition. No offense @ozski,but I think that's the ugliesttrailer/rim combo I've ever seen. It might look good on a car, but don't try it on a boat trailer.
  3. Make your own with a slalom long line. Just cut it(long enough to where if you put it on you pilon, it's a good ways down), and fray it. Put it on the pilot how you would normally do it, put the release in the trick rope loop, and wrap it around the pilon, and just let go when you think the person is about to fall/totally pull their hamstring. That's a diy release that a lot of people do. @dchristman.
  4. Griff just got 2.5 for the record at nationals. You should try skiing against him in the same division,bit now that he and another guy are moving out, zach butterflield and I are going to be top of scr b2 head to head one last year.
  5. I just made a switch from my old tfactors to the vapors, and I lightened my ski up so much. Not to mention the d3 t factors come up so much higher than the radar vapors which really messed up my edging with the higher boots. Also, the vapors are a lot more responsive than the d3s, because the radars are a hybrid, so basically a soft shell mixed with a hard shell. With the d3s I had to physically do the edging and cutting my self, but if I barley turn my ankle, the ski will turn. It's all personal performance though. If your doing good on the boots your on now, stay on them, unless it's after nationals which is the time of year to make any equipment changes.
  6. I'm always watching people at tournaments,and online to see what tricks they do,how I could improve on a trick,there form,and there style, and I go off that as well as advice people give me to teach my self New tricks, and improve on what I already have in my runs. Bad habit of mine is to also watch pro skateboarders and wakeboarders,and wakesurfers. That's where a lot of my own style comes from.
  7. Hey ballers, I had a question about jumpers. I am starting out with my neighbors help on there jumpers(72's I think), and I was wondering what size would be necessary when I make a full time commitment. I am about 122 lbs. and 5'5 feet tall, I ski in the south central region in b2, and will be turning 14 in march
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