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    One that will pull me on a private lake.
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  1. If your looking in E WA, I would check out Stella Blue Lake. https://stellabluelake.com
  2. I used this when my liners got stinky. It worked well.
  3. @Ufda I agree with @vtmecheng comments on the Vapor boot. If it was me I would have Seattle Watersports (Wiley's new ownership) heat mold a Vapor with the Reflex release. Or if I wanted to take it to another level of custom fit, I would go to Sturtevant's in Bellevue and have Auto Gibbons in the boot department mold them and he can create extra space where you need it just like they do for snow ski boots. If you still need more arch support I would see if Seattle Watersports/Wiley's has any of the foot beds from the last generation of Vapor boots. It's been a few years but Kyle at Wiley's hooked me up with a few pairs. I have an extra pair that fits a size 10 Vapor that I could send you if you want to try them and can't find a pair.
  4. @Ski4fun It's my understanding the Velcro strap is most commonly used for the front boot when running a Reflex release to limit the forward flex and transfer the force to the binding so it will release at the appropriate point.
  5. @101driver I have an early production size 10 on the Reflex carbon plate. I can't tell you if it was a reasonable tolerance issue on the plate, loop and or boot but it definitely was not a forward pressure issue. I got the idea on the plastic tube from another baller on a older thread who was having the same issue. I ran the issue and mods by Brooks to make sure I wasn't missing something.
  6. @101driver I still had some vertical play in the toe after removing the spacers. A 10mm plastic tube I got on Amazon did the trick.
  7. @Goode Skis Most of what I am reading is the power vest helps with upper back issues. I have L5/S1 issues. Will the power vest support my lower back getting out of the water?
  8. @Adam Caldwell If I change from a 5 hole to the CG I have on a non-Denali ski is there a standard staring point that differs from the factory recommended setting for the 5 hole?
  9. A little off topic but anyone have an option why no one else to my knowledge other than Radar uses PMI for their top end core material?
  10. ToddK

    New Vapor Boot

    I drilled out the rivets to take off the toe cap and then shortened the toe of the foot bed with a dermal to make it even with the liner. I used to ski double vapors on a sequence plate but had to switch to Reflex after breaking my ankle on my front foot and now having a limited range of motion. Wanted to get back on the Vapor when the current model came out with a mechanical release but with the bungee cord on the upper I could easily reach my max range of motion before any force was transferred to the binding release. So I added snow ski buckles to the upper cuff to limit the flex of my front ankle. Works great. Still gives me a good amount of forward flex and much less lateral stiffness than the Reflex even after I cut down the inner and outer shell of the Reflex.
  11. Any ballers find a solution to having vertical play in the toe when using the Reflex release other than wrapping the front loop with tape or getting a machinist to grind the base of it down a few millimeters? I have extra parts so to make sure it's not operator error, I’ve tried moving the heal release forward, 2 different front loops, 2 different plates and 2 different 840 releases and have the same vertical play in every setup.
  12. Anyone tried the Whisper Fin Pro on the 22?
  13. Great deal on a 2022 67" Senate Pro for sale on skiitagain.com. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Slalom&postid=63442
  14. @Zman My highly skilled customization 😉 works great keeping my foot from sliding backwards. I have no knowledge on if or when Radar plans to offer the boot without the upper cuff. That’s way above my security clearance.
  15. @horton That would be hot sauce from that nights Taco Time burrito. Bachelor life... @richfoster - @Zman - @skialex I was very fortunate that @brooks gave me an early sample of the lower shell to experiment with. Pretty easy modification/"hack job" if you have any skill with a Dremel and a utility blade. I have never tried the HRT but feel my modified Vapor is a big upgrade from my R-style. The lower shell is a much harder plastic and with the adjustability of the boa it does a prefect job of dialing in what ever amount of downward pressure you feel is needed to keep your foot connected to the ski with out any pressure points. The R-style applies more pressure to the sides of my foot when tightening for me. I also prefer how the bottom of the Vapor is completely flat and how it screws into the plate at all four corners of the boot giving you zero side to side movement of the shell and a rock solid connection to the plate and ski. Like all Reflex boots the r-style is a converted roller blade boot and is no where close to being flat. I did heat mine up and flattened it out the best I could. However, it is still attached to the plate with one screw centered under the ball of your foot and one centered under the heal and the shell will roll left to right on the plate fairly easily. Not a ton but it does not have a rock solid connection like the Vapor. To me it's the perfect setup if you like having the support behind your heel that a rear boot gives you but also want to have full side to side angulation of your ankle that a toe plate gives you.
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