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Posts posted by skibackwards

  1. Cannot watch tricks with volume. Use trick terminology for tricks and wake board rhetoric for wake board. You are doing tricks an injustice and people who watch to practice trick calling. Call it what it is. Tired of this. Let Tyler do the tricks and please use the "trick" calling language.
  2. Tell me that it is a good idea to give my social security number AND credit card number to someone probably working from their home for a company I know nothing about. SS ok, but background check to continue judging after over years is on the brink. Something needs to change.
  3. @Horton Thanks for the Pandas. My first.

    @klindy Definitely pre-turn. Freeze the video. Ski starts backward but makes too much turn before leaving wake. Don't worry, I cannot do the trick correctly or incorrectly and am amazed at his talents but the one shown is NC in my book.

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