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Everything posted by skibackwards

  1. Won't save my Entries. Logged off and back on and couldn't find ME
  2. I am looking for a leverage front (size M) if someone wants to sell one. Does someone have one in good shape?
  3. Handle must be on hips. Your handle is to high. Very obvious on first flip.
  4. Golden Mike already on it ROLL to REVERT
  5. I just hope the announcer does not use terms like Pete Rose, crow mobe, roll to revert, tantrum to blind, and other garbage while announcing TRICKS. Please use the correct trick terminology. They do a great job on slalom and jump.
  6. I don't understand unless this. Up 2 mph, make pass, and only get 3 additional buoys ? ? Am I reading this correctly
  7. Sooooo, do I see that if the normal max speeds are left alone and we use ZBS scoring at C tournaments only, then we can say OK, let's use it ? ?
  8. "Practice rounds" should not and cannot count. I have seen too many golfers type in their own "scores" into the handicap computer. You can fib on your "practice round" or while typing on the "computer".
  9. Since this topic is morphing---- I would like to see the agendas of Regional meetings and BOD packet for the January meeting posted on the AWSA site before the meeting. Then, as soon as possible, the minutes of the resulting decisions posted online.
  10. I believe you can ski overall in your m3/m4 by skiing your slalom in m3/m4 for no placement but use it for overall with your m3/m4 trick and jump. You will ski MM for slalom placement. I believe you will ski "4" times to do this.
  11. Happy to hear the news for Mystic Lakes.
  12. Is that what is means to get a PANDA--wow
  13. Pictures of the best would be nice to see. Please
  14. How about if everyone teaches 3 new people to ski this year. Can we ALL do this ?
  15. Congratulations to Jill Smith (35+ Gold in Tricks) and Jeff Surdej (35+ Gold in Jump). 35+ men's jump went Gold, Silver, Bronze for USA
  16. Sorry, wrong topic for this thread, but thought it was interesting.
  17. OR is this the problem we are trying to fix. Men's 1-8 skiers at Nationals/compared to qualified to ski at Nationals. 196 attended of 586 qualified for slalom, 86/219 for tricks, and 71/155 for jump. Women 1-7 is 70/208 for slalom, 40/111 tricks, and 29/68 for jump. Now you do the percentages. Either qualifications are too easy or many people have there own reasons not to attend. If you tighten up the qualifications you loose more going AND you are not going to get rid of individuals with their reasons not to go.
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