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Posts posted by bigskieridaho

  1. @MS I am a B1 skier too. I would like to know what settings you use on different boats? I feel the same about different pulls also. My boat is a 2009 Response. I ski B1 on it, but for example the tourney pulls between the MC and the new Nautique have been totally different. I also have dual puck on mine, but still skis like a New MC on B1. However I skied the new Nautique yesterday and skied ok.
  2. My 7 year old daughter was not really into skiing so much. She would go every once in a while, but we had to pretty much bribe her. She watched two other girls her age in this last tournament ski and now she wants to ski all the time! She will do 2 sets or more! Have my 4 year old on the ski sled and my wife is stoked now that she can practice with the mini course. So stoked to have a ski family!eovnr99a8k33.jpeg





  3. My take on this. I feel unless people experience the joy of waterskiing or the addiction to get that next bouy or line length, they don’t quite understand the fun or why to watch. I know people that are relatives of people in tourneys that don’t enjoy being there because they are bored. They now see the mini bouys in and have the thoughts of maybe trying it. However, I show video to some people and they are amazed in what we do. Unfortunately most people are on the other spectrum.
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