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Posts posted by vic

  1. Will have skied many time with Erick over the last 3 months learned a lot and had a great time. Made a new friend and did a lot of great skiing in the sun. The winter weather here was not good worst in 8 years of coming to Salton sea Area. I hope circumstance and Erick will allow me to come back again next year.


  2. Most new people starting water sports are not in good enough physical shape to water ski so they go for the easier things wake boarding without doing tricks, tubing or surf boarding on a controlled wake. Some skill required but very low expectations and more drink and noise.


  3. Will be calling eleeski in January and see about some skiing on his lakehave no problem driving the boat so that he can ski. We will be staying about 75 minutes away and can go must days. Hope others take up this invitation.
  4. I will get in contact with eleeski in January when I am in the Palm Springs Area and see what skiing I can get. Found a place that rents a tow put it charges 250 for 2 hours {not by the set} so I would need 4 or 5 skiers to make it cost effective. I am not capable of skiing 5 sets in that time. I did ski last year at Cal. Great Lakes for 50 per set and the operator was very good. I will be going back to him again this year even if I find a good place closer to Palm Springs.
  5. I ski with my sons on the Okanagan lake, Skaha lake or Osoyoos Lake all have courses on them installed by private people. Several times a year we ski on a private lake in Washington State. There is no support from WSWC for any type of water sport here it would be nice to see some.
  6. Sounds like we can work this out Eric I will be in the Palm Springs area from early January to Late March. I ski in Canada until November Water Temperature as low as 45 and air around 35 so the cool days in your area are not going to bother me that's why I have wetsuit. Would you send me email address so we can arrange this. Mine is vicmacor@gmail.com.
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