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Everything posted by Moffattra

  1. Can’t wait! Love the euro events, makes me want to go on ski vacations in Europe on summer too!
  2. Alpine ski racing has a very good (but not fool proof...) system for equalizing performance across a variety of locations and conditions based on the performance of the top athletes at that event. It would probably take a team of mathematicians to apply this kind of system to tournament waterskiing, but some version could at least let skiers and observers value skiing against other tournament scores. Sit down though, here is how complicated it gets... http://skiracehelp.net/media/TC1STUDYGUIDE121.pdf
  3. @Horton, totally, but usually we don't decide the rules were broken. I'd like to think that the weird combination of variables that makes everyone ski shitty, can reorganize and make everyone awesome. Or at least me...
  4. Do tournaments that produce unexpectedly low scores require additional scrutiny?
  5. whoa, wait, $8k?? details and pics please! love it!
  6. I just love the waterski stuff that pops up on CL... gotta have it!
  7. Not questioning you @jercrane , just curious what people do for new boat/engine break in procedure?
  8. awesome! gotta be mid-west?
  9. So awesome! My dad got one of those when I was about 12, I thought an outboard ski boat was stupid, until all the older girls came to check out all the red metal flake...
  10. First, I'll admit, I enjoy ski boat "market research" almost as much as actually boating. So I would love to see a thread that shows actual boat sale details; boat, hours, condition, location, asking/selling price, etc. BUT, from the point of view of both seller and buyer, I can see some serious issues. What do you think?
  11. rock of ages in Barre, VT; Rossi's hometown (sortof?), always wanted to ski in there, or better yet, see him ski it! but, yes, one pass only... @MarcusBrown ? flowpoint episode??
  12. @jercane - i won't tell a soul, as long as you tell me when it's in...
  13. wait, there is a course on Squam? beautiful lake, that would make it a good excuse for a day trip!
  14. @Horton no comment box in rules/politics/issues? But more importantly, the 2 ski flip thread taught me that after all these years, your profile picture is most definitely NOT a beautiful brunette carrying her trick ski under her right arm to the dock!!! Ballers, please speak up and admit you saw this too so I'm not the only one...
  15. Nice! For "market research" purposes, do you mind saying what part of the country you are in and what you paid?
  16. Yeah, I like that one, just thought I'd try to recycle one first. Thanks!
  17. Hi! There must be tons of old "platform trainers" sitting around in sheds and garages, but they don't seem to make it onto ebay/craigslist/SIA etc. If you know of one that needs a new home (especially near VT...) please let me know! Thanks!
  18. I have a '90 SN in northern VT that could be for sale. Solid boat that runs strong and smooth with lots of new parts. New vinyl on drivers and obs seats. It was a ski school boat and I have 2 little kids, so no back seat and it's not exactly pristine, but it happily skis 3 or 4 times a week. Let me know if you're interested. $7k
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