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Posts posted by MuskokaKy

  1. TeeSpring hit me back this morning.


    Unfortunately for me, the designs i picked come from different facilities so the order i had didn't qualify for the reduced shipping rates. I think it makes more sense for U.S.A. shoppers as shipping is over 33% of the cost of the shirt for us north of the boarder.


    FYI Internationals - If you can; ship to the USA when you or a friend are down there.

  2. @Spineofgoo ... waterskiing LMAO. collasped lung was a fluke; broke ankle and tore everything except Achilles (which i consider super lucky). I had a super ugly cross from 1-2 ball and went OTF ish; except my reflex didn't release until my ankle snap a couple times ( settings were too tight). bones have healed up nice and now its the off-season training to get me back on the water asap. still trying to get my full range of motion back.


    We have different size warrior ropes. I use the smaller ones; have the BOSU ball dome up; have my LFF on the centre ( one footed; ) and give them hell. Has really helped my ankle regain that strength and reaction time back. I do about 4 different exercises with them.

  3. Yes sir, every week.


    Coming off a collapsed lung and broken tib and fib in my left ankle among a few other injuries.


    My trainer is a great mix of HIIT and Cross-Fit. Warrior ropes have a great full body aspect to them. arms; wrists; shoulders, upper back; core, quads, ass, calf and even feet from sitting / pulling back in the semi squat position.


    You really feel it the first couple times.


    Bosu balls also are great for those off season workouts. endless opportunities.


  4. @dbutcher that class is called " no longer relevant" (Kidding of course)


    @swc5150 never insulting...just comedy. my dad still think he throttle arm is better than PP. Generation sh*t talking is a regular on the dock. Our thing in common is Andy Mapple; from there we go opposite ways.


    @eleeski i want to say I'm surprised by your opening line.....but than i remember you are a key man in any good thread debate....you keep it interesting.

  5. @JAS Sure Path seems really interesting and something that could be implemented asap. Maybe already is with some guys. Without knowing much about it; price seems reasonable for what you are getting.


    But it's kind of like going from PP to Zero Off ( not meant to offend). its great, but not next next level. Its an upgrade; like a 2.0 so to speak ( in my opinion)


    Tesla's are really popular in the Toronto area ( we have / had amazing rebates on them here); so that where the Auto-Pilot interest is coming from. Thought there could / would be a conversion type in the works/ near future.


    P.S. for all the baby boomers this rubbed the wrong way; my 61 Y.O father smacked me for all of you!


    Merry Christmas Ballers!

  6. @aupatking agree over head would probably be easy. for underground system the idea was have it set on piles to take care of leveling.


    @liquid d i hear you. and its not to insult drivers, but its impossible for them to pull and driver the exact same for all skiers. So it creates a certain unfairness the industry has just accepted.

    We don't use J -Crafts with out boards anymore; we have custom super protected man made lakes. we have some great tech upgrades like zero off...its evolution...I'm not saying take away the boat; I'm just saying lets get the drivers hands off the wheel ( if possible). The track was one idea.



  7. @aupatking you not wrong at all. I thought the same thing with the BOS HOF thread lol


    Our winters are long and cold north of the boarder ( and my seasons ended July 7 on 2 ball breaking my tib and fib ( ankle). So i have a excuse; kind of ;)


    @Horton don't disagree with your thoughts except price. I cant speak on either side but with boast @ $100k and most guys use them for only one or two years ( at high volume sites) it doesn't seem absurd from a cost perspective to go to a submersible track ( taking into account the million unknowns in play). Obv I don't have much of anything to compare to


    Tell me a guy or girl here that wouldn't take a set behind a submersible???


    @eleeski - no comment; trickers would be furious! LOL



  8. @BraceMaker i totally hear you and i love some of the ideas above.; I guess I am more saying how do we eliminate human error altogether ( is it possible, from a driving perspective)....eliminate the human. I do like where your thoughts are going though; right track forsure.


    Let be jump off the deep end at risk of a panda.


    With cable being a big game changer in the world of wake; i had thought about a fixed, submersible track that has an approx.10 ft ski pylon connected to the track( shaped like and eyeball ) that runs zero off and takes you down. Eliminates driver error and wake. could make for some interesting scores... Obviously this would be for a ski school / competition site....


    This reduces wake and boat path deviation. two issues in the industry


    I know some won't like this; but we all know this is NOT the dumbest thing that has been posted here LOL

  9. Hey Ballers,


    As many of you may recall Nautique made an all electric boat some years back now. Last, year i had made a reference to that boat stating " wouldn't it be cool is they just went full out Tesla; and had auto pilot??"


    With the recent and forever on going talks about boat path and such, i wonder if a company out there is testing this somewhere??? I mean if i can go from Toronto to Naples without having to touch the wheel; surely someone can make a boat go straight for 850 feet...


    In theory driver is now throttle man / emergency back up when skier falls.


    I figure with all the gear heads and engineers on here, i can't be the only one to have thought about it.


    **To to take one point further. I'd be willing to pay somewhere around $10k for that option. ( maybe that's too cheap i don't know; but that's what it is "worth" to me; a half-ass skier). It would probably be worth more to the ski schools / boats that are used in tourny's.







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